How to Keep Your Skin Looking Great

   By divinecaroline  Jan 21, 2011

Beautiful skin starts with a thorough cleansing. Skip it and you’ll never know how great you can actually look.

Removing makeup and sun tan lotions with a specially designed makeup cleanser is important because soaps are designed to clean the skin. If they have to fight through a barrier to get to your skin, it will not be as effective.

Lukewarm water is best for washing your face since it helps soap dissolve dirt and oil. Avoid water that is so hot that it’s uncomfortable or reddens the face.

To keep your face looking radiant, try one of the many products available for exfoliation. This is a process that helps skin shed its top layer of dead, dry flakes while unclogging the pores and making skin more receptive to moisturizers. It’s a sure-fire way to improve the look and feel of any aged skin.

Fine lines begin to develop at an early age. Different facial expressions cause different lines to become more noticeable. Selecting the right moisturizer for your skin type helps to minimize their appearance. Smiling conceals them.

Fight enlarged pores and shine with scrupulously clean skin, oil-combating foundations, and perfect powder finish.

Cigarette smoking reduces blood supply to the skin, often making it appear pale and sallow. It can also lead to lip lines, and squint lines around the eyes.

Alcohol initially gives a warm blush but over a period of time can dilate capillaries, causing an unwanted ruddiness.

After menopause, the skin tends to become much dryer. Use a milder soap to gently clean dry skin. Cell renewal slows down with age but a frequent exfoliation routine will bring new cells to the surface giving a more youthful appearance.

Skin needs to be kept hydrated, particularly in dry climates. Drink plenty of water throughout the day and use a spritzer to occasionally spray your face.

Stress from job pressures or family life can sometimes lead to breakouts. Medications including birth control pills high in certain progestins can also cause your skin to react.

Cleansers or cosmetics that are not right for your skin type can lead to clogged pores and blemishes. Read the labels carefully before buying.

You might be fooled into thinking that sun dries out pimples, but the effect is only temporary. Heat, humidity, and UV rays can actually aggravate acne by stimulating oil production and thickening skin, which clogs pores.

When applying foundation, avoid a demarcation line by moistening fingertips and blending the makeup along the jaw line.

Makeup shade is most flattering when it closely matches your skin tone. Before buying try a few on the skin near your jaw line.

Colors can often look washed out on darker skin tones. Carefully select colors rich in pigment and depth and look for ones that contain less talc.

Feet and hands can also dry out. Apply petroleum jelly, then cover them with cotton socks and gloves. They will feel smooth and soft in just one night.


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Niftydorkette by Niftydorkette | Houston, TX
May 11, 2011

If you have breakouts, a simple fix is using an antibacterial hand soap as facial wash. It may sound strange but often it will prevent further issues as well as keep skin soft! I use Dial (the white tea variety), it has Vitamin E and Aloe so it soothes as well!

fatima1 by fatima1 | corona, CA
Apr 24, 2011

using rose water as a toner works really great

Kristi by Kristi | WASHINGTON, WV
Feb 14, 2011

I avoid using petroleum bases products on my skin. Aquaphor , which can be found right beside petroleum jelly, is a much better alternative.

juliet by juliet | ENCINO, CA
Feb 11, 2011

Age defying products are a must for aging skin.

Piccadilly432 by Piccadilly432 | INDIANAPOLIS, IN
Feb 02, 2011

I love to use egg white on my face, it tightens my pores and its super cheap! You can use the yolk as conditioner on your hair. My pores are almost invisible when I peel the white off.

mari_moon by mari_moon | PALM BCH GDNS, FL
Jan 27, 2011

I started using 'age defying' moisturizers, and it has made ALL the difference!

loricm by loricm | Shakopee, MN
Jan 27, 2011

Water is a great key to keeping skin looking moist, but as you age, I'm finding out you must use moisturizers that are meant for aging skin. What a difference I have found, I'm getting my skin to look great again and those fine lines are staying fine and not turing into deep wrinkles. Great idea for feet and hands too, thanks.

cigol1963 by cigol1963 | chicago, IL
Jan 27, 2011

Water, water, water and good moisturizer! My grandmother is 87 and her skin is soo smooth - everynight she loads the moistuizer on her face for at least 15-20 minutes and then wipes off. Her skin is fabuleous!

ramanama99 by ramanama99 | hyderabad, OU
Jan 23, 2011

For Healthy skin.....human body requires minimum 5 lit water drinking and few of moisturising creams.....etc...sufficient sleeping per day....

GuessWho by GuessWho | PHILADELPHIA, PA
Jan 22, 2011

The winter weather is creating havoc on my skin. The only thing that is truly working for me right now is petroleum jelly. I also put some on my face at night because I started noticing dry patches. I'm so ready for the Bahams right about now.

basilandcatnip by basilandcatnip | GARLAND, TX
Jan 22, 2011

Goods suggestions. Will be trying the blending foundation along jawline tip, hadn't thought to moisten to help blend it more easily. The petroleum jelly and socks works great but it makes a mess out of the shower floor in the morning. Can't wait to try sunless tanners as it warms up. Beautiful skin makes you feel good, confident as you go through your day and skin is a vital part of good health.