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'Friends' 25th Anniversary Gives Fans a Chance to Relive the Show
on Sep 05, 2019:
I love all the characters but I have to say that as a couple I love Chandler & Monica and as an individual I absolutely love Phoebe! My biggest joy related to FRIENDS is having the opportunity to watch them with my own daughters as young adults. The humor is classic and spans many generations.
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Win Your Choice of $100 Restaurant Gift Card to Celebrate Valentines or #AlternativeValentines Day!
on Feb 08, 2017:
Hubs and I will go out for dinner on the weekend before or after. It falls on our busiest day of the week this year!
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5 #PhotoTips for Family Pictures You'll Actually Print! Plus, a $100 Shutterfly Gift Card Giveaway
on Nov 04, 2016:
Besides my family & friends, I'm so looking forward to snapping photos of the area we live in. This will be our first christmas here so new memories to snap! Thanks!