Tide Coldwater

Tide Coldwater

              Rated #1 in Laundry
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488 Reviews 4.7/5 stars
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I use to insist on washing whites in hot water because I believed they just couldn't come clean any other way. Now I am doing all my loads in cold with Tide Coldwater and my whites are still coming out clean!

Our family tries in many ways to save money and get "green" by saving energy...but we never thought we could go COLD all the time. But whites, towels - everything!! - is clean and smells amazing with Tide Coldwater. Even more amazing, though, is the money-saving stain fighting that makes my kids' clothing last longer. Chocolate stains, grass stains, mud stains...none of them are a match for Tide Coldwater. Thanks, Tide!!

I love Tide Cold Water..it is so amazing. I entered photos and hope you can go take a look at them sometime. I had antique doilies that are hand crocheted and hand embroidered, I took before and after pictures and you will have to see it to believe it. An over night guest spilled organic grape juice on one of them, and it looked just awful. I had no pre-treat product at the time, and figured they were ruined. I threw them in with my load anyway, thinking I would have to use it as a dust rag now. When my load was done washing, I took the clothes out to put in the drier. When I came across the doily, I decided to look at it and see if ANY of the stain had come out. I was totally amazed when I held it up to look at and saw the stain was TOTALLY GONE! No pretreatment, or soaking, and it looked at good as the other one. These were white doilies, with colored embroidery, and they were white..white..white!! I am sold on Tide Cold Water and am telling everyone I meet..even strangers in the laundry aisle at my local store about this amazing product! It saved of my beloved doilies! Three out of four women who were in the laundry aisle one day, put back their usual brand and grabbed a bottle of Tide Cold Water! I have bought 4 more bottles now and everything I wash turns out bright and smells wonderful...it is a light scent that lasts and lasts without being repugnant.

oh my how i love this product... so much that i ordered from the P & G estore. and they offer shipping of a flat fee $5 so i can order the biggest bottles available and have them delivered to my door. how much better can today get???? you wash your clothes with this stuff and the smell is absolutely wonderful and it lasts well after the drying period...

Ok, I just gotta say, it really works. You now how your mom always told you "whites in hot', well now you can break that rule. Almost makes you feel a little sinful (don't worry, you'll get over that feeling when you see the electric bill). I really loved how well it did on the boy's socks, if you have boys (or girls for that matter) you know how disgusting their socks can get. I always soaked them in hot water prior to trying Tide coldwater, no need to do that anymore with this detergent.

OMG!! I'm sold!! I've never used Tide because I've always used one certain detergent. Now I'm absolutley buying Tide ColdWater. For the first time my daughter doesn't itch when she gets dressed. I realize she may have been allergic to the other detergent. Thanks for letting me try it and I've been letting everybody I know how good it is!

I have been very happy with this product. With three active children I have a variety of stains on the weekly laundry and Tide has been performing wonderfully. Recently, my daughter had ketchup and mustard stains on a light pink t-shirt. She neglected to let me know about the stain and it sat in her hamper for a few days. I washed it in cold water with the Tide and the stains were gone!

I'm really impressed with this product. I originally thought it was my imagination that my kid's dirty sox were cleaner, but several loads later I'm convinced it was the Tide Coldwater. I'm hooked. My kid's sox are really impossible to clean. Ground in dirt from running around with no shoes on playing sports. Doesn't get worse than that. Would definitely recommend it to all my friends..

This stuff is great.. I am truly loving the new Cold Water Tide!! My whites are really white, and it is cleaning my clothes so nicely in cold water. I am the person who has always done my laundry in cold water, but I always felt that I was being cheated by other laundry soap. I am now very happy to report that there is a laundry soap made just for people who wash in cold water.. Thanks Tide!!!

This is an absolutely superb product for laundry. It can help reduce energy costs by allowing you to do a load of laundry in cold water, Tide is the leader in laundry care with exceptional cleaning ability and the scent was out of this world. You have a winner here Tide. Keep up the good work. You have a true beleiver in me.

I always wash laundry in cold water to preserve the colors and to save energy. My husband ONLY washes his wrok clothes in warm or hot water because his mom told him this is what you do. My mom told me the same thing---but I am a rebel & prefer to do things my way. Tide for cold water works very well. It cleans without having to use warm or hot water. I washed whites in it as well as heavily soiled dark work clothes for my husband. they came out totally clean & fresh!!!!! This is an excellent product for this difficult economy. It helps save me money :) And like all Tide products, it is superior quality!!!

I love Tide products anyways but the Coldwater is great! It got my clothes clean in cold water. So I'm saving money every time I use it. I'm sold!!

My Family enjoyed the tide cold water very easy for my first time washer son to use i also like that clothes were very clean and fresh way to go tide

I wont use anything but Tide! This product lives up to the Tide name for sure. Any chance you will come out with a hypo-allergic version of this?

I have to admit I was a bit skeptical at first...a laundry detergent JUST for cold water? Hmmm...well leave it to Tide to once again impress me with their technology and genius! My family was able to use much less than usual, cutting cleaning time down, and leaving less residue. Plus, our clothes were soft, smelled wonderful, and felt good against our skin. My SO has sensitive skin and even he has enjoyed using Tide Coldwater! This was also awesome when our cats had some sort of digestive distress and I found out using Tide as a carpet cleaner is not only acceptable but works amazing! Upon further research, I found out it can be used in most carpet cleaners instead of the pricey stuff they bottle and sell at the store. Talk about fresh and clean, now I don't mind Downward Facing Dog, and I don't feel I have to apologize to visitors about the carpets not looking bright and clean. So I am impressed enough to make Tide Coldwater a part of our household and budget for it. Mmmm the wonderful, cozy smell of success. Bravo!