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My Reviews (1)

Tide Coldwater

Tide Coldwa… Rating

Your rating: 5.0

My Comments (27)

Commented on:

Fall 2015 TV Preview & Giveaway

on Sep 18, 2015: There's so many I'm looking forward to. Empire, criminal minds, Law&Order, grandfathered, American Horror stories. There's so many more. I'm going to need to clean out my dvr and make room.

Commented on:

What Scent are you Wearing? Enter the SheSpeaks Fragrance Day Giveaway

on Mar 17, 2015: My favorite is Elizabeth Arden's forbidden. Omg it's amazing! All I could afford was the sample right now but it's my favorite right now. I also love Gucci's envy me.

Commented on:

Enter the @SheSpeaksUp #NewVenusSwirl Giveaway!

on Mar 17, 2015: This razor is just what my daughter and I need. It's very unique and my daughter has just learned how to shave so these will help her for a smooth finish and easy use.