Tide Coldwater

Tide Coldwater

              Rated #1 in Laundry
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489 Reviews 4.7/5 stars
96% Recommended
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This really works. My son had been mixing concrete outside and got some on his jeans. I wasn't able to wash them until the next day. I washed them in cold and used the Tide Coldwater and the jeans came out perfectly clean! I highly recommend this product!

Love the Tide Cold Water! Helps save money by using cold water to wash. I have wash dark's to white and all came out remarkably clean. I will be using Tide Cold Water to help my family save money and keep our cloths clean!

This Tide worked great. I love being able to wash in cold water and get great results. I think it works as well or better than any other detergent I have used.

I have been using Tide for years now and really got into it by just buying what my mother has always bought. I never thought about trying Tide Coldwater because I always thought that cold was for special items that you wanted to make sure it didn't mess up. I was so wrong. I gave Tide Coldwater a try on my teenager girls cloths and was suprised that all of their clothes came out looking very good. Even the stains from makeup and other things came out. I am totally going to start using Tide Coldwater not only to save money but just because it really works.

Awesome detergent - smells great, and got our clothes nice and clean even though we used cold water. Clean clothes and savings on our energy bills - love it!

I was IMPRESSED! My daughter had some extremely smelly volleyball socks that haven't been washed in about five uses, yes gross. I washed them with my darks and allowed HER to do the smell test, just in case ;) After she checked them out, I smelled them. Tide Coldwater definitely cleaned these socks to smell fresh!

Tide Coldwater was by far, the BEST laundry detergent that I have ever used! We live in North Carolina where the ground is hard red clay.The stains from the clay are close to impossible to get out, especially on socks and pants. The very first load I did with Tide Coldwater got the clothes cleaner than with any other product, and, I did not use any stain lifters. I absolutely love this product, it works great on my towels and dark colors, and the fragrance is very pleasant, a light, clean smell. I will absolutely switch over to this product.

I was blown away at how well Tide Coldwater worked! My boys are always getting muddy and dirty, as boys will, and nothing but tons of prewash, detergent, and warm to hot water worked to get their clothes clean. I decided to take a chance, and wash their clothes (that I would've just used as rags if it didn't work) in cold with this Tide Coldwater. I didn't really expect much, but when they came clean WITHOUT prewash spray or hot water, I was super impressed! thanks, Tide Coldwater! You found a loyal customer in me!

I really like my clothes to feel and smell clean and they really did with Tide Coldwater. I washed loads of mixed dark and light color items and there was no color bleeding and everything looked great! I haven't noticed a change in our energy costs yet but I'm hoping that I will soon. I still pretreat if I have a stain because that's what I'm use to doing. I will continue to use the Tide Coldwater I have and look for it in the store when I'm out.

I love the Tide cold water detergent!!! It will be the only one I use from now on!!!!

I have always been a fan of Tide, so I was very excited to test out Tide Coldwater. With two young boys and a muddy dog in my house, I was leary at first about washing in cold water -- you just feel like the clothes won't get as clean without getting warm. Tide Coldwater proved me wrong and EVERYTHING i put in the washer came out clean and smelling fresh! I didn't even need to pre-treat stains! I am sold on this!

I have been using the Tide Cold Water since I received the test product to try out. It works just as well as using the warm or hot water and saves us on our energy bills! I also used it with mixed colors, lights and darks, and it worked great.

I must say I was skeptical about a cold water detergent getting my clothes as clean as a warm water one. I have tried every detergent out there and never really noticed any huge difference in my clothes. That all changed after 3 loads washed with Tide Coldwater. My whites and darks are both clean AND bright and I am saving so much by using cold water with every wash! I just sold some clothes to a kids resale shop and the owner asked me what my secret was to getting my whites so bright. When I told her about Tide Coldwater, she said she was running out to get it after work! As a busy mom, I am thrilled to have a product I can trust to get my clothes clean without the added work of pre-soaking and re-washing. Sold!

No more warm water for my color clothes. It's a simple way to save energy without sacrificing the cleanliness of your wash. I have been washing my colors in Coldwater Tide and am very pleased with the cleaning results. Who knew your clothes could come out so clean in COLD water? Tide is a brand I have trusted for years and this product meets my high standards.

I always loved Tide and am a faithful user and trying Tide for cold water has me even happier! My clothes came out very clean and fresh smelling and I am confident knowing that using cold water will still get them clean.