As Seen On TV Smooth Away Hair Remover

As Seen On TV Smooth Away Hair Remover

              Rated #28 in Shaving & Hair Removal
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152 Reviews 1.4/5 stars
10% Recommended
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Horrible!!! It doesn't remove hair AT ALL. All it does is irritate your skin. I can't believe they even put this on the market.

Horrible!!! It doesn't remove hair AT ALL. All it does is irritate your skin. I can't believe they even put this on the market.

Horrible!!! It doesn't remove hair AT ALL. All it does is irritate your skin. I can't believe they even put this on the market.

oh yeah, and it takes a long time to remove hair in just a small area..

oh yeah, and it takes a long time to remove hair in just a small area..

oh yeah, and it takes a long time to remove hair in just a small area..

i was planning to buy one.. but nvr mind americans should invent one that works and not from other counrties...

i was planning to buy one.. but nvr mind americans should invent one that works and not from other counrties...

i was planning to buy one.. but nvr mind americans should invent one that works and not from other counrties...

it actually works well but it's time consuming and takes several pads to get rid of hair on one leg.

it actually works well but it's time consuming and takes several pads to get rid of hair on one leg.

it actually works well but it's time consuming and takes several pads to get rid of hair on one leg.

This product is not how i thought it would be. I bought one for my daughters and it seemed to take forever to use and your don't get that good of results. Plus the pads wear out real quick and they don't sell just the pads at stores. I wouln't reccomend getting this product.

This product is not how i thought it would be. I bought one for my daughters and it seemed to take forever to use and your don't get that good of results. Plus the pads wear out real quick and they don't sell just the pads at stores. I wouln't reccomend getting this product.

This product is not how i thought it would be. I bought one for my daughters and it seemed to take forever to use and your don't get that good of results. Plus the pads wear out real quick and they don't sell just the pads at stores. I wouln't reccomend getting this product.

Smooth Away did work, but with lots of rubbung and time. It left redness and it is very time consuming: stick with your razor!

Smooth Away did work, but with lots of rubbung and time. It left redness and it is very time consuming: stick with your razor!

Smooth Away did work, but with lots of rubbung and time. It left redness and it is very time consuming: stick with your razor!

Mine didn't hurt me, it just did NOT work at all. I rubbed in the same spot for forever with NO results. What a waste of money!

Mine didn't hurt me, it just did NOT work at all. I rubbed in the same spot for forever with NO results. What a waste of money!

Mine didn't hurt me, it just did NOT work at all. I rubbed in the same spot for forever with NO results. What a waste of money!

This product is awful. All it did was scratch my legs up, it didn't remove the hair at all.

This product is awful. All it did was scratch my legs up, it didn't remove the hair at all.

This product is awful. All it did was scratch my legs up, it didn't remove the hair at all.

Hated it. Dries out skin. Left an odd smell. I figured since it was only $10 it wouldn't be a huge loss if it didn't work....I was wrong. Its that dumb.

Hated it. Dries out skin. Left an odd smell. I figured since it was only $10 it wouldn't be a huge loss if it didn't work....I was wrong. Its that dumb.

Hated it. Dries out skin. Left an odd smell. I figured since it was only $10 it wouldn't be a huge loss if it didn't work....I was wrong. Its that dumb.

When I used the Smooth Away Hair Remover on my legs it did nothing but scratched up my skin. It was very painful and and did nothing for the hair on my legs.

When I used the Smooth Away Hair Remover on my legs it did nothing but scratched up my skin. It was very painful and and did nothing for the hair on my legs.

When I used the Smooth Away Hair Remover on my legs it did nothing but scratched up my skin. It was very painful and and did nothing for the hair on my legs.

I bought this product and was so excited to use it when I got home. Boy was I disapointed! It is very had to use -- takes forever to get one spot hair free and if your try your underarms your arms and shoulders hurt before your even half way done. I went back to my trusty old razor the next day.

I bought this product and was so excited to use it when I got home. Boy was I disapointed! It is very had to use -- takes forever to get one spot hair free and if your try your underarms your arms and shoulders hurt before your even half way done. I went back to my trusty old razor the next day.

I bought this product and was so excited to use it when I got home. Boy was I disapointed! It is very had to use -- takes forever to get one spot hair free and if your try your underarms your arms and shoulders hurt before your even half way done. I went back to my trusty old razor the next day.

it does work for the most part, but you end up with alot more missed hairs than shaving. Also the pads don't last long, to get the best results I had to use a new pad for each leg. I did get better results on my calves than thighs, so if you are in decent shape it may work ok for you. The other problem is I can't find refills anywhere... just the full kit.

it does work for the most part, but you end up with alot more missed hairs than shaving. Also the pads don't last long, to get the best results I had to use a new pad for each leg. I did get better results on my calves than thighs, so if you are in decent shape it may work ok for you. The other problem is I can't find refills anywhere... just the full kit.

it does work for the most part, but you end up with alot more missed hairs than shaving. Also the pads don't last long, to get the best results I had to use a new pad for each leg. I did get better results on my calves than thighs, so if you are in decent shape it may work ok for you. The other problem is I can't find refills anywhere... just the full kit.

I was so excited to buy it and was so mad when it didn't work! It removed my skin but not my hair. It is much easier to shave and if you hate shaving so much, just laser it off.

I was so excited to buy it and was so mad when it didn't work! It removed my skin but not my hair. It is much easier to shave and if you hate shaving so much, just laser it off.

I was so excited to buy it and was so mad when it didn't work! It removed my skin but not my hair. It is much easier to shave and if you hate shaving so much, just laser it off.

The product is okay but i prefer the razor and the waxing since you get better results.....

The product is okay but i prefer the razor and the waxing since you get better results.....

The product is okay but i prefer the razor and the waxing since you get better results.....

Dumb product! does not work. Waist of time. It barely takes anything off! you have to rub hard which irritates skin...

Dumb product! does not work. Waist of time. It barely takes anything off! you have to rub hard which irritates skin...

Dumb product! does not work. Waist of time. It barely takes anything off! you have to rub hard which irritates skin...