Being Juicy: Virgin Sips

   By estherblum  Jun 22, 2009

I have clients that are all over the spectrum when it comes to juicing. Some gals gag at the thought, some want to introduce juices as a snack a few times per week, some want to juice exclusively one day per week for weight-loss purposes, and some want to add it to their daily eating habits. Personally, I love a green juice after working out or to kick a really stubborn cold. It boosts the immune system and gives you energy unlike that from any other food.

 Why Juice?
One of the greatest benefits of juicing is that it gives you an incredible amount of vitamins and minerals. Most of us do not eat enough fresh vegetables on a daily basis, and juicing can add back some much-needed nutrients into our diets. Juicing is also great for those of us with digestive issues. The fiber and pulp is removed when you juice, enabling nutrients to be easily absorbed across the intestinal wall. This cuts down on the workload required by your digestive system to break down fiber. Green juices also have an anti-inflammatory effect, calm an upset stomach, heal wounds and ulcers, and boost immune function. So if you have a hard time digesting roughage, it’s great to add in green vegetable juices on a daily basis.

Juice in Moderation
The downside to juicing is that all too often people consume too much sugar in the process. A good rule of thumb is to never juice more food than you would eat at one sitting. I often see people drinking a large carrot-beet juice combo, which not only has a tremendous amount of sugar but contains up to four or five large carrots and beets apiece. Do you truly eat that many beets and carrots at one sitting? Methinks not. It’s also important to remember that the less healthy you are, the harder juicing will be for your system to take. You need to have a baseline of clean eating and adequate protein intake for at least one month before jumping into juicing; otherwise you’ll feel pretty sick and will become completely turned off by the whole experience. So ease your way into it.

A Couple of Tips to Keep in Mind When Juicing

-You don’t need your own juicer to get started; visiting a local health food store that has fresh organic juices will do you right. Cost-wise it works out to be about the same.

-Mix fruits with fruits and vegetables with vegetables. Fruits are digested more quickly than veggies, so mixing the two together can give you an unwanted case of gas. If you really need to sweeten your juice, add in one beet and/or one carrot.

-Try other enhancers to make your juice taste delicious: lemons, ginger, or shredded coconut make welcome additions. Not only will the coconut taste delectable, but the fat inside will help your body absorb the fat-soluble vitamins in the juice.

-Drink your juice right away, because it is highly perishable. 

Combining Juices
What is the best mixture of juices? That really depends on your taste buds. Experiment with mixtures of celery, cucumber, spinach, parsley, asparagus, and red-leaf lettuce. Or, if you like to get the pain over withquickly, maximize your potential with minimum volume and do a shot of wheatgrass, my personal favorite. Juicing cilantro is a wonderful mercury chelator, but add this in very gradually, as too much at once can cause headaches.

Whether you’re eating out, cooking in the kitchen, or cooking in the bedroom, have fun and enjoy yourself! Buy organic whenever you can, and try to incorporate some basic home-cooked meals in your regime. If you treat yourself to a sumptuous dinner, balance it out the next day with plenty of green vegetables. At the end of the day, the only person holding you accountable is yourself, and eating gorgeous will help you be your own best friend.

Have you ever tried juicing? Do you think you would consume more fruits and vegetables this way?

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candaceg by candaceg | chapel hill, NC
Jul 06, 2009

This article is helpful. Have been considering buying the Jack Lelane juicer from HSN for a while now. One more appliance and no kitchen counter space left. Will I really use it ? hmmmm It's gotta be healthy.....

Judy48 by Judy48 | Gaylord, MI
Jul 05, 2009

I used to make fresh fruit smoothies all the time, fresh squeezed orange juice, had several blueberry bushes in my yard. Got away from all that but would like to go back. This past year I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis. I don't wish to be medicated . I'd prefer to stick with healthy natural way's to keep things under control. While I was growing up my dad alway's had a huge garden, we ate from and I was rarely ever sick. I'd love to find some recipes to benifit my RA. Perhap's you could suggest a juicer that isn't too costly?

PollyGraham by PollyGraham | N BRIDGTON, ME
Jul 05, 2009

I love making smoothies, I bet juicing would be a great alternative.

estherblum by estherblum | weston, CT
Jun 25, 2009

Juicing green vegetables is actually very low in calories-- about 80 calories for an 8-ounce juice. And juice is so full of nutrients and trace minerals that it will keep your blood sugar stable for a few hours after ingesting it. Here's a great juice recipe for you, exerpted from my book, Eat, Drink, and Be Gorgeous: Wild Women Do and They Don't Regret It 3 cele ry stal ks 5 la rge spinac h lea ves 2 ca rrots 1 be t Handful of parsle y 3-inc h round of whea tgrass Wash greens thoroughly and put them in the juicer. Juices may be diluted with ½ cup water if desired. You may also add garlic and ginger. Here's to Living Gorgeously through nutritional excellence! Esther Blum,MS,RD,CDN,CNS

sidheirish by sidheirish | Terryville, CT
Jun 23, 2009

I haven't tried juicing, not good at getting up earlier enough to do it.

Marie12345 by Marie12345 | DALLAS, GA
Jun 23, 2009

Juicing sounds like a good way to get vitamins and things but what about all the calories? Do you mix them with water or is it just an occasional thing? Also is there a place where we can get recipes?

anushu by anushu | PEACHTREE CTY, GA
Jun 23, 2009

I recently started juicing because I have little time to cook and by eating out alot I noticed a change in my childrens their complextion and moodiness so I started doing smoothies in the morning for all of us and juicing because they don't like veggies I juice different vegetables they would not normally eat and serve it to them and they never know. Since doing this they seem to back to their old selves and their complextion has cleared to the point where before school ended teachers were asking them what kind of makeup were they wearing and they said we don't it's the smoothies my mom makes for us.

Jun 22, 2009

I love juicing ! And yes, I think it's a great way to consume more fruits and veggie's especially for those days when not feeling like cooking. Plus your body get all the needed nutrients.

funKat by funKat | Cebu City, OU
Jun 02, 2009

My body has been slim so far but these days I guess because of my job style-where is just sit most of the time facing the computer and eat whatever I want. My tummy isn't flat anymore or shall I say I developed a bulge in it already. My digestion hasn't been good lately. But I haven't tried juicing, I guess this is a great way to improve my digestion and improve my health. This is very helpful..thanks!