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Three unique Valentine's Day gift ideas for your kids, special someone in your life, and your favorite gal pals.
NFL Network correspondent Jane Slater recently revealed that she caught an ex-boyfriend cheating all because of the fitne…
A new study suggests that when a gift is not perfectly wrapped - the recipient probably does not mind one bit.
The actress Emma Watson recently referred to herself as "self-partnered" and the term appears to be trending with those w…
Something that may be perceived as a hurtful or bullying comment can cause more damage than is often realized and now Ins…
While searching the toy aisles to find pre-wedding gifts for their flower girls, same sex couple Matt Jacobi and Nick Cap…
If you, like many of us, worry that you just aren't making a good first impression - some new research may have you sighi…
If $3,000 sounds like too much to spend on one hamburger - then you obviously haven't looked inside the bun.