Tampax Pearl Plastic Tampons

Tampax Pearl Plastic Tampons

              Rated #3 in Feminine Care
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327 Reviews 4.6/5 stars
94% Recommended
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Makes that time of the month a little easier to deal with. However, I still usually need a liner as a backup.

Have used these for years and they are always great. Very comfortable to wear compared to a lot of other tampons, these don't hurt and work well for me.

Work great, absorbent, and do what they should.

They are a little on the expensive side as far as tampons go, but there is just nothing else that compares. They are the most comfortable, easy to use and I love the scented ones. I also like the individual packaging wrappers, sometimes cheaper ones have wrappers that are static-y and stick to clothing or bags.. embarassing!

The only tampon that I trust. I've never had an issue with these and for some reason, they just work better than every other kind for me.

I really like these tampons they work great!

I used to use tampax pearl and then switched to kotex because I heard they were more natural. But I never had a problem with the pearl tampax.

I like Tampax Pearl, I just which they were a little less expensive, but what feminine product isn't a bit pricey anymore. One really great thing is that they actually sell these in a box of just Light tampons, there aren't many Light only boxes anymore, very hard to come by.

I've been using these for years and have loved them. Easy applicator, stays in, absorbs what it's supposed to. No Cpmplains.

Comfortable and provide GREAT protection!

I tend to prefer Kotex but when these are on sale I'll pick the up instead. Comfy, easy glide and good protection

These are the only brand I use. However, I'm not a huge fan of the pearl. I just find it harder to insert. I like the original paper wrapping better.

Absorbant and comfortable for long wear

Really great product. One of the few brands I will buy. They are trustworthy and comfortable. I recommend them.

Great product,but expensive.