Lifetime The Golden Girls

Lifetime The Golden Girls

              Rated #1 in Television Shows
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558 Reviews 4.9/5 stars
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I remember watching this show and laughing so hard. My mother and I really enjoyed watching it together. They always had so much fun together or got into fun trouble:)

I watched this with my mother when I was little, and I'm nearly thirty and still watch it. This is a classic that I can see myself still watching in another thirty years!

This is the BEST show to watch with your mom or girlfriends. I want to buy all of the seasons...

I love the Golden Girls. I used to watch with my mom!

Golden Girls is my husbands secret guilty pleasure. He would die if his friends find out he watches it all the time!

Who doesn't love the golden girls! My friends and I discovered we had secretly been watching for years even though we were much younger than the target audience. You cant beat Blanches confidence and Sophia and Dorothy are hysterical.

I love Golden Girls! Betty White is one of the best actresses every! I have seen every episode at least 5 times.

Loved this show since I was a kid

i love love love this show. rose and dorothy are my favorite characters. my grandpa and i used to watch it together before he died at age 80. love love it love it

i watched with my granny. still watch now, still funny to me

I loved watching this show, the golden girls was a time pieace

An oldie but a goodie!!

I never did watch the Golden Girls when it originally aired. My mom said it wasn't appropriate for my age. Years later, it started to air on Lifetime and I finally got to watch an episode. I was hooked and haven't stopped watching the Golden Girls since that time. 4 episodes in a row came on at least 3 times a day and since I work at home, I watched all episodes all three times. I love all the girls for different reasons. Dorothy was the wise one who couldn't get a date to save her life. Blanche was the sexy, sultry one who always had a date. Rose was the dumb one that was so loveable. Sophia was the matriarch and took care of the girls more than they took care of her. I can't tell you how many times I've seen each episode, but now I can watch it all I want because I have the whole DVD collection. The laughs never stop!

This is such a great show.... I don't care what show you watch you will laugh and feel better at the end.....I have stayed up late at night just to watch.. When I know the day is not gone as good as I would have liked I know that by watching Golden girls that I will laugh and just enjoy at good show.... My husband always asks why I watch it so much ,,,,until he sat down and watched a show with me and then he understood .....Its just a great comedy....... love it

Always loved this show