Keurig Special Edition B60 Gourmet Single Serve Coffee Maker

Keurig Special Edition B60 Gourmet Single Serve Coffee Maker

              Rated #5 in Kitchen Appliances
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462 Reviews 4.7/5 stars
96% Recommended
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Love this coffee marker. Always makes the perfect cup of coffe, iced tea and hot chocolate. My whole family uses it.

I have one of these. I love it. I can make my own iced coffees with less calories!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Keurig coffeee maker. My husband and I work 2 totally different schedules so this is perfect...we are not making a full pot of coffee and wasting most of it. I also love being able to entertain my friends and family and offering a variety of coffee/tea/hot chocolate choices. Great product.

Love this coffee maker. It makes great tasting coffee fast. No need to waste unused coffee because you make it one cup at a time. My son loves this too. We buy the hot chocolate and he pours the water in and presses the button (he's 10!) and Viola! he has a cup of hot chocolate that he made! I love the wide varieties of flavors you can get. This has definitely been one of the best small appliance purchases EVER!

I am not a hard core coffee drinker but fell in love with this machine. Not only does it create incredible tasting coffee, but it also makes hot cocoa, tea and anything else that has a single cup. It is quick, great looking and would be an incredible addition to any kitchen!

My husband and I love our coffee and we love this coffee maker we received as a christmas present. The k-cups are convenient, esp. when you are trying to get out the door for work in the morning or have kids that have needs but you just woke up and want your cup of joe too. To keep costs down, (the kcups can be expensive) we primarily use the Keurig with our French Press - definately makes a superior cup of coffee to any drip machine- you get to still use your beans and the keurig heats the right amount of water to the perfect temperature. I definately recommend this as an essential for any coffee lover.

The Keurig is the only way to make coffee! I dread making coffee at our vacation house using a regular coffee pot. The coffee just never tastes as good as the coffee from the Keurig!!

My office just replaced its old, outdated coffee machine with one of these and now I actually have something to look forward to in the morning! No more stale or weak coffee that someone else made! I'm dying to get one of these for my house, especially since I'm the only one who loves flavored coffee! We can each my our favorite without the waste!

My mom has one love it hoping to get one of my own. Makes a great cup of coffee or tea.

This is the best kitchen appliance I have ever owned. It is very simple and still looks sleek on the counter. I also love how you have such a variety of coffee. You can have three different flavors in one morning without wasting any coffee. Keurig, I love you!

I love my Keurig! I like being able to choose my flavor, and I can only drink one cup in the morning so it is perfect!

My first experience with this product was from a vacation to a friends. This was not only convenient for single cups, and it definitely was easy to use.

Best thing since slced bread!!!!!!!!!

I like this coffee maker a lot. I love most of the flavors and also that i can make just one cup pretty quick. My only complain is that it can get costly buying the coffee specially if you have more than 3 or 4 cups a day and there is 3 of us that drink coffee. also, if you try to make a large it seems like is very weak and if you make a small is too strong, the med size seems to not be enough. I also wish i could make 2 separate cups at once.

I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE my Keurig! I love that I can brew 1 cup at a time, rather than a whole pot, leaving coffee to sit and get 'stale'. I love that I can mix it up as my moods strike (whether it's a plain coffee, or something flavored). After I got my first one, I ran out and got a second. I keep one in my kitchen, and one up in my office. i can enjoy a fresh cup of coffee no matter where I am in the house. I definitely recommend the Keurig!