Keurig Special Edition B60 Gourmet Single Serve Coffee Maker

Keurig Special Edition B60 Gourmet Single Serve Coffee Maker

              Rated #5 in Kitchen Appliances
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462 Reviews 4.7/5 stars
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Love the ease and lack of clean up. Love that my husband can have his coffee and I can have my tea with only one machine! Only con is it can get expensive depending on how much coffee you drink in a day.

I love my Keurig!! There are so many flavors to choose from and getting a cup of coffee in the morning has never been easier. I would recommend this coffee maker to anyone. I have had mine for several years and i have never had a problem.

I dont drink coffee but I love the fact that you can make hot chocolate or tea with this Keurig. I don't personally have this coffeemaker, but we have used it at the orthodontist office and the car dealership when I am having my car worked on. This coffeemaker is definitely on my wish list.

Love my Keurig!! I've had it for 2 years now and it's never broken down. I never drank much coffee before, and to make a whole pot was a waste. Now, I can make one cup at a time, whenever I want - regular or decaf - and it's quick and easy!

The Keurig Special Edition is, in my opinion, a kitchen essential. If you are getting married, this needs to be on your registry, if you are buying a new home, this needs to be top of your list, if you are using a standard coffee machine, STOP NOW! When I tell you this machine is the best, I mean it....IT IS THE BEST. We use our Keurig for, tea, and even hot chocolate. When family comes over it is easy peasy to serve up decaf, regular and even herbal tea in the blink of an eye. I am in love with my Keruig and the many ways you can make delish hot and cold beverages. Cold beverages you ask? Yes, cold beverages too. One of my favorite cold beverages to make is Iced Grean Tea with a mint leaf. Perfect for a quick cool down in the summer. Simply put a fresh mint leaf in the bottom of a big glass then fill it with ice, use a Green Tea Kcup of your liking, select the the tallest glass size on the Keurig machine, push start and whallaaaa Fancy Iced Greed Tea with a splash of Mint. For best results let it sit for a few minutes for the ice to fully cool the tea down. No matter how you use your Keurig machine, I would make a bet that you will fall in love with it just as much as I did. Enjoy!

I just love this coffee maker , a perfect cup every time even the heat is right every time. I love flavored coffee and my husband doesn't so this is just perfect for us. Our first machine broke right away but the customer service is excellent and they sent us a new one asap, the sugared cocoas seem to clog the machine. I will never go back to a traditional coffee maker again.

Great coffee maker that makes great tasting coffee fast. Very convenient, no need to make entire pot of coffee anymore . Love the special edition because of the three settings of cup size and the large water reservoir. This was originally a gift before my last college finals to help get me through the long hours of studying but I still use it everyday at least twice! Very pleased with the variety of coffees available, I just recently started using the iced coffees and ice teas for this Keurig and they are great too.

I received this as a Christmas gift from my daughter because she know how much I love my coffee. I only have one complaint about my keurig. Their idea of a large cup of coffee and my idea of a large coffee differ greatly. I would love it if they made a LARGE cup of coffee. I wouldn't even mind if they had a special k-cup to accomodate this.

we have one of these at work. They are great for the patients. they can choose what coffee they want and the clean up is easy

I love this product. I received as a gift and at first wan't happy but then we started using it and I can't image not having it.

I love the Keurig, and I love coffee. The idea of having coffee instantly is awesome. I don't have a Keurig at home but I do in the office, and it is so easy to use. I love the varities of coffee; I am a flavor coffee girl but there are many people in the office that are strictly plain coffee drinkers and Keurig allows for everybody to have what they want when they want it. No more burnt coffee, or watered down coffee. Keurig brews the perfect cup. And they offer Ice coffee too. I can't wait for Fall to come so I can have pumpkin spice coffee. It is truly a treat during my work day.

My keurig is my BEST FRIEND in the morning. Every morning, it's the first stop that I make. I have never had a bad cup of coffee. It's been over 2 years and we have never had a problem with it. The amount of flavors that are available is amazing, and you never get sick of them. My mom comes over 2 mornings a week, she loved it so much, that I bought her one for Christmas last year, she is now as addicted as I am. What I love the most, is my husband loves his coffee super strong, I like mine a little weaker, so this way we can both have it the way we like it, without having to make 2 whole pots of coffee. Not to mention, it couldn't be easier to brew!!

I've had a Keurig machine for almost 2 years - I only like the first cup from a new pot of coffee and with this machine I always have one! Their customer service is great - I have had to replace mine a few times and they never gave me a hard time.

I love love love this coffee maker...It is so much easier to use and the coffee just taste better :) I would not have any other coffee maker. I have had Mr. Coffee, the Black and Decker and several others but nothing compares to this one. Try it you won't be sorry!!!

This is a great product for the person who only drinks 1 cup or if they don't drink coffee they offer hot cocoa or even tea or mocha ect i love it each time i go over to a friends house i would love to have one of these