CBS Big Bang Theory

CBS Big Bang Theory

              Rated #4 in Television Shows
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299 Reviews 4.7/5 stars
94% Recommended
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OMG!!!! I love this shows because I have them all and I can not wit for the new one to come out on tv ..and my man like it to and my little girl like it to ..

I've seen each episode over and over, can't wait for the new season. We watch reruns all the time and own each of the season available. We can't get enough. Show is hilarious. I love Sheldon!!

This show never fails to make me laugh! It's a favorite

one of the best shows i have seen. very funny and i could watch this show all day

This is one of the few shows that both my husband and I agree on. We watch this show most nights as it runs in reruns almost every day.

The first thing I will say about this show is that you don't have to be a total geek to enjoy or understand this show. I am not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to physics or half of the scientific geeky things they talk about, but it's quirky and funny and I own all the seasons thus far. It's so cute and quirky, more people need to get into this show. My husband is a total geek hence why I even watched the show. It's one of those tv shows that you need to give a chance to watch otherwise it'll just be passed up. Take it from me, I have never laughed so much from a show where I barely understood the dialog. I am a total "Penny" by the way, so basically that character and I are on the same page. Haha!

LOL my husband is so much like Leonard........ Great show

I love this show! I find the show funny and entertaining. I watch it with my fiance, we always say we wish we were friends with them. This show is always on repeat so if you have not started watching there is always time to catch up.

one of the funniest shows on tv right now. sheldon cooper's dry humor is what keeps me tuned in

This is one of our favorite shows. Even my Husband loves it and he doesn't watch much TV.

I never really got into the show when it first aired. However, since I've had the time to sit down and watch the show, and get to know the characters...I absolutely love it!! It always guarantees a good laugh. Bazinga:)

Loved the first few seasons, but it's become a show about socially awkward people, rather than smart, socially awkward people. It's lost a lot of its charm, unfortunately.

I LOVE this show. ALWAYS makes me laugh.

This show is so funny! I never watched it when it first started but I now catch it as a rerun on TBS and I am hooked. The characters make this show the greatest. They all meld so well together. I have two favorites things.....the first is whenever Shelden wants when he goes over to see Penny and he gets to her door and then knocks and continues to say "Penny, Penny, Penny, Penny......classic. The other is when he is sick and need to have "soft kitty" sang to him in full without stopping. Those are the greatest for me.

I love how you don't have to understand everything to find it entertaining. The best part of this show are the characters. They are all very odd, but in a good way! I got tired of seeing the same type of characters every time, this show is quirky and fun! You don't necessarily have to love science or math to get this show.