Enfagrow PREMIUM Older Toddler Ready-to-Drink Milk Drinks, Natural Milk Flavor

Enfagrow PREMIUM Older Toddler Ready-to-Drink Milk Drinks, Natural Milk Flavor

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I gave this drink to my 2 year old daughter and she gagged, she didnt like the flavor at all. i didnt taste it, but did notice it had a medicinal smell, like vitamins have, so i cant imagine that it tasted good. i dont recommend it. as far as im concerned you cant beat good old whole milk.

My child was not a fan of this product. She might drink it again in a pinch, but it would not be a first choice. Much prefers regular milk.

My little guy seemed indifferent to the taste of this one. His older sister liked the flavor, but my 3 year old was really more interested in his usual-2% milk.

My 2 1/2 year old would have none of it. He was willing to try it, but took two sips and told me he wanted "his milk." I was pretty disappointed because I have a bit of a picky eater, and I would love to think I was getting something with a lot of vitamins into his system once a day . I tried the vanilla straight out because he won't even drink regular milk. But to no avail. I tried it again the next day, without making a big deal out of it being new or different - still a no go. Since he had formula from five months on, I wonder if I had kept him on something like this instead of just going to milk if he would like it better. If now he's so used to eating and drinking big-people food that this was a lost cause from the start. But I'd definitely recommend for other picky eaters!

I tried to get my 4 year old to drink this without good results except when used with cereal of which he consumed without complaints.

My daughter did not care for either flavor.

My daughter tried this but didn't seem to care for it. She drank less than half and left the rest untouched, whereas she usually drinks the Horizon drinks quickly.

Meh. My daughter refused to drink either flavor. But most of my friend's kids liked it.

My son did not like the flavor of either one. He preferred to drink plain milk instead. The packaging worked well. I like that it was portable with little to no mess and no refrigeration necessary. We will not be purchasing it though due to him not liking the taste.

My son was not a fan of the plain milk flavor. He was a little more accepting of the vanilla flavored milk. I believe this is a decent product, but we'll be more likely to stick to our go to brand.

Although I understand the convenience of having milk available to you at anytime, my kids just did not enjoy this product. Perhaps if they had a chocolate flavor, my kids may have enjoyed it more.

My son didn't go for the plain milk flavor at all. I offered it several times and he just wouldn't drink it. I love thats it portable though. Maybe he'll change his mind in the future ;)

My two-year-old wasn't too crazy about these. He seemed excited at first, but only took a few sips. I'm guessing he was probably disappointed that it wasn't a juice box.

MY child did not care for it at all, I received the Vanilla, he just made a face and wouldn,t drink, he stil lloves another brand. He may just be used to the other brand/type.

My three year old son did not care for these at all!! At first he was soo excited to get a special drink to try that was just for him but he just about spit it out when he took a drink. I think that for formula fed infants this might be a good transition but for those that are not very familiar with formula it tastes yucky. I tasted it and it has a powdered milk/infant formula taste that I guess I should have expected. We tried both the plain and the vanilla since we had a coupon. In addition, these are very pricey!! Not for us!