Gillette Venus Spa Breeze Razor

Gillette Venus Spa Breeze Razor

              Rated #17 in Shaving & Hair Removal
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502 Reviews 4.2/5 stars
85% Recommended
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I love how convienient this razor can be, it makes shaving quick and easy without having to buy/use shaving cream. It smells fantastic as well. However, I did find that the shaving gel did not last long for me, that's even with hanging it up in a dry place. The upside though is that I have been able to reuse the actual blade itself with my own shaving cream. Overall, I would reccend this razor to others.

It's good for removing hair in your armpits and legs as the shaving head is wide. But it is not suitable for your bikini area, as it misses hair, I think that the reason is the very wide shaving head. So I personally buy it when on sale and combine it with Shick razor. Only in this case I get a good close shave everywhere I need it.

Very good product..... Not my favorite but i would buy it

Nice razor, I don't completely love the scent, but it's a decent razor.

This product was soft and easy to use but it didnt shave as good as I thought it would. So I didnt buy ti again.

I love the venus razors. This one has a wide head which helps leave my legs and arm pits smooth, it is a little expensive but I buy it everytime I get a good coupon.

I really love this razor. Smooth, silky legs with no nicks. My only problem is the price :(

This razor works great on my sensitive skin. I would use this razor all the time if it was cheaper.

this product made my legs very soft but they don't last long and cost about $11 a pack.

I like this razor but price is to much to keep up with

Great product, it doesn't give me razor bumps or cause me to itch as much as many other razors I have tried on the market.

Great razor for vacation because of the built in shave gel, but not the most effective in catching hairs. Always keep one in my travel bag!

Its a great razor.Nice the shaving gel bars.I could do without the scent though.

I actually just used my Gillette Venus Spa Breeze Razor today. So this is fresh in my memory. It works very well, probably my favorite disposable razor. It has this neck that is movable, so it moves with the curves of your legs/knees/thighs, you get the hint. The gel bars, assist me in my journey of getting all the hair off my legs or area I am shaving. The Gillette Venus Spa breeze, seems to be the most accurate of razors, because for once, I didn't really see any hair I missed. In the past I spend all that time then once I'm outside in my shorts, I can feel the wind blow my leg hair , and I become frustrated! Not this time, it seemed to be a more simple process, and I can't really put my finger on why. But I am hooked!

I was pretty surprise with the price it was really cheap and it works well!