Tampax Pocket Pearl

Tampax Pocket Pearl

              Rated #21 in Feminine Care
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1990 Reviews 4.4/5 stars
89% Recommended
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Pocket Sized Perfection (I received a free sample of Tampax to try from SheSpeaks and the following are my own opinions.) i like how small they are they can fit in my purse, pocket, even bra if im at work trying to make a secret walk to the restroom. They are good for your car compact so its not available for everyone to see. Personally i sort of like the applicator because im always scared its not in all the way right. But i do enjoy these they are abosrbent and reliable.

I received a free sample of Tampax to try from SheSpeaks and the following are my own opinions I was hoping to like them. I really liked how discreet they were if they were in your pocket or somewhere else haha. I'm not a big tampon gal but I liked these. I would recommend.

Perfect for on the go! The original Tampax Pearl was, and still remains my favorite tampon ever. It is comfortable, NEVER leaks and is super comfortable. This new pocket size is good, but doesn't beat the original. My main issue is that I just don't find it as comfortable to use. I think it must be something about the applicator, because once it's in place, it feels fine, and has the same great protection as the full size. I will continue to stick these in my purse because the smaller shape is perfect for on the go, but I will stick to the original at home. I received a free sample of Tampax to try from SheSpeaks and the following are my own opinions

Did the job, but could be better. I received a free sample of Tampax to try from SheSpeaks and the following are my own opinions: The quality of the product itself is great! This compact tampon did the job as well as the full size ones. The tampon itself is the same size...just the applicator is different. I did not care for the applicator as it seem like pure luck that I assembled it correctly, even when it made the "snapping together" click. I also did not care for the packaging. I think only half of the box opened correctly. Would I buy them for myself? Probably not. The worst tampon I have ever used? Not at all. In a pinch or if I was given some again, I would use them.

Applicator needs some work... I received a free sample of Tampax to try from SheSpeaks and the following are my own opinions. I loved the small size and packaging. They easily fit in a makeup bag. The first one I used leaked horribly after less than an hour. I feel that these worked best on a light/medium flow day. Like many other reviewers, I also had an issue with a few of the applicators not working properly. Sometimes I was able to reinsert into the applicator and the tampon was usable, some I just had to throw in the trash. I don't think I would purchase these due to the applicators failing. The ones without the applicator issue worked well on a light flow day.

Good I received a free sample of Tampax to try from SheSpeaks and the following are my own opinions These are just fine - I prefer other Tampax tampons more. The applicator is too small in my opinion. The protection is good, but prefer longer applicator

Not for me I received a free sample of Tampax to try from SheSpeaks and the following are my own opinions. Although they were easy to use and discreet, I didn't get very much coverage. I have about a normal 3-5 day flow and these felt comfortable inside, but did not prevent accidents. I would not purchase this product.

Not for me I received a free sample of Tampax to try from SheSpeaks and the following are my own opinions. Although they were easy to use and discreet, I didn't get very much coverage. I have about a normal 3-5 day flow and these felt comfortable inside, but did not prevent accidents. I would not purchase this product.

(I received a free sample of Tampax to try from SheSpeaks and the following are my own opinions.) While I do appreciate that these take up less space, I would prefer more environmentally friendly packaging. Insertion was comfortable, but the applicator took a little fumbling most of the time. As far as being absorbent, they were fine, no worse than any other brand by any means. I don't think I would go out of my way to buy them, but they were fine.

Tampon is ok, applicator is horrible ?I received a free sample of Tampax to try from SheSpeaks and the following are my own opinions.? I have always used the Tampax brand so I was excited to test out the compact version. The tampon itself is ok, but the applicator is rubbish. When you go to use the tampon you pull out the end of the applicator until it clicks. Then when you try to insert it it unclicks so you can't completely insert it.

Applicator on the short side. I received a free sample of Tampax to try from SheSpeaks and the following are my own opinions. I found the applicator to be almost too short and had difficulty inserting the tampon properly. I could feel it and in fact it came out before I was done using it. I wasn't able to try again for success, as my period ended, so right now I can only say that this product is ok. I am willing to try them again next month and see if I can have a more comfortable, successful experience. I do like the idea of a smaller product for ease of carrying with me on the go.

Compact and discreet but applicator needs to be lengthened. I received a free sample of Tampax to try from SheSpeaks and the following are my own opinions. The tampon packaging is discreet and compact which are huge pluses in my book especially when carrying them around in a small purse. My only negative is that the applicator is too short. It needs to be lengthened to ensure the tampon can be inserted properly without slipping out.

Tampax I received a free sample of Tampax to try from SheSpeaks and the following are my own opinions. I prefer using pads. I found the applicator too short and awkward to get a comfortable fit.

I received a free sample of Tampax to try from SheSpeaks and the following are my own opinions. I am giving the Tampax Pocket Pearl Tampon 3 stars because I found them to be somewhat reliable. They are compact and discreet, which I like. I found the applicator to be unreliable which made it difficult to insert them properly. I have used other compact tampons before that worked better. I prefer Tampax in a full sized tampon.

Tampax Pocket Pearl I received a free sample of Tampax to try from SheSpeaks and the following are my own opinions. The Tampax Pocket Pearl tampons are very discreet and easy to carry due to the small size. The tampon works just as good as the other Tampax Pearl products. One thing that was not as great was the applicator. It was easy to pull the bottom part of the applicator out but it didn't click in place properly and was short. While discreet and offered great protection, it was hard to insert.