Enfagrow PREMIUM Older Toddler Ready-to-Drink Milk Drinks, Natural Milk Flavor

Enfagrow PREMIUM Older Toddler Ready-to-Drink Milk Drinks, Natural Milk Flavor

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937 Reviews 3.6/5 stars
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My daughter likes this product

I love the ease of this product and the fact that it doesn't need to be refrigerated. It's fabulous for when we're traveling or just on the go. I gave it only 4 stars because of the fact that my daughter isn't crazy about the flavor. She says it "doesn't taste like milk." I think that with time, however, she would become accustomed to it and learn to enjoy it.

I love the idea of the Enfagrow, but I had my 4 year old try them out and he hated it. He liked the Vanilla though, so I think if they had other flavor choices it would be better for him. When my baby is old enough, I will start right away with these, I think if I started early enough he would like them.

Milk flavored one was not top of my 20mth olds list. He definately enjoyed the vanilla flavored one better.He did drink it though; just not as quickly ! I had my 5 yr old try it and he asked what it was cause it looked like milk but didnt taste like it, walked away and never looked back! 3 yr old drank it but only cause i think he was REALLY thisty! left some in his glass.It's great for on the go and not having to worry about refrigeration or it leaking everywhere from him squeezing the box.In my house juice boxes are FORBIDDEN for him! lol

My 2 year old loved this, and it made him feel like a big boy 'cause I let him drink it out of the package like his big brother. Though our 4 year old wasn't real keen on this one. Didn't like it at all. Though he loved the Vanilla flavored one.

I was really hoping my daughter would like this but after two sips, she was done. She is not a picky eater either so this was a surprise to me. She refused to even try the vanilla flavor. Even if she did like it, the size of the drink seems to be large for a toddler. Unfortunately, we will not be buying this super convenient product.

I liked how nutritious this drink was but my toddler did not like the taste. I even tried calling it a "milkshake" and she did not buy it. She would take two sips and throw it. Back to the drawing board, Enfamil...lol

My son drank it but her preferred regular whole milk over this.

I thought that since he liked the vanilla that he would like the natural milk flavor as well but no. He took a couple sips and said yuck and pushed it away. Hes picky even with regular milk. Great size and packaging, just not a fan of this particular flavor. He loved the vanilla though.

Awesome product would definitely recommend

My kids drank it but they were not overly excited about it. It was just as if they were drinking regular milk.

My 16 month old son didn't seem to like it as much as his regular whole milk. I did, let a few of my neighbors try them for their children as well, and a few of their children seemed to like it really well!

My youngest child liked this one better then my oldest. My 4 year old said that it didn't taste like his milk. The flavored one seemed to go over better with him. My 20 month old loved them both.

My child seem to love the taste of this product. Would definately recommend especially for those picky eaters .

Great product, very convenient when your on the go. My 18 month old grandson loved this product!