Vitalicious Deep Chocolate VitaMuffins

Vitalicious Deep Chocolate VitaMuffins

              Rated #79 in Snacks & Candy
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24 Reviews 4.5/5 stars
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I hope they will try to make this product dairy free one day.

I haven't had them.

I haven't tried this product but it sounds de-lish! I am a choco-fanatic, so this would definitely be something I would try.

They do taste a tiny bit healthy, but are great as a nutritionally sound snack. I like to microwave for 10 seconds to make them extra gooey and soft.

very good! I am Diabetic so something like this product is great for me

These are good and the Hungry Girl Cook books has some fun recipes to try using this product. I do think they are a little expensive, but recently found a $1.00 off coupon in the ALL YOU magazine.

These little cakes are surprisingly good. They're very "chocolate-y" and extremely moist. I think they taste especially good if you warm them for a few seconds in the microwave before you eat them. The only downside to these muffin tops is that they are a tad on the expensive side, compared with similar products.

Great chocolate taste and a healthy quick breakfast food. Only problem, too good to stop at one and for the price I would want more quantity than what is given in the box.

These are sooo good! Great as breakfast or a snack and only 100 calories. They are portable and have many vitamins and 5-6 grams of fiber. The vitatops and vitabrownies are also very good. They come in many favors and can be found in the freezer section.

Love all Vitalicious muffins, muffin tops and brownies. They are moist and flavorfully and healthier than most other muffins. Pop them in the microwave for a few seconds to dessert heaven!

Very good

one of my all time favorite products -- low calorie, fiber rich, convenient and delicious.

One of the things we always look for in deserts is ones we can just buy and not have to worry about the struggle of making them. These are pretty darn good brownies because they don't taste like freezer food but taste just like if you had popped them out of the oven five minutes ago. It's simple to heat up for those moms who have had a tough day just looking to have a little treat. It's moist and flavor packed! Is that a word? Oh well! The good thing about these as well is you can control how much you eat versus if you had baked 24 and ended up eating ten of them. This product is just fantastic!

These are some really good brownies, especially since they are pre-frozen. You can heat them in the microwave or leave them out in the refrigerator to thaw and they are still moist and very tasty, and to make it even better they are pretty healthy for you too.

I love these! Low calorie and great taste.