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Trying to loose some belly fat.
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on Dec 03, 2009 (Read 27357 times | Comments: 31)
Need some tips on loosing the belly fat, soon im going to celebrate 4yrs of marriage and want to wear a nice outfit but my belly fat doesnt make it look nice HELP i need ur advice.

on Dec 03, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

for a quick fix. i heard spanx (spellcheck) is awesome. a lot of girls at my work wear them. they are like a body suit that sucks it all in. other than that, diet and the stair stepper will do the trick

on Dec 05, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I too, need to lose some belly fat. I have heard of the spanx and have heard good things. Unfortunatley to lose it takes healthy eating and exercise. UGH!! The holidays are a tricky time to start. Dont diet, just make healthy food and lifestyle choices and exercise. Easier said than done, I know!! I am sure your husband loves you the way you are. Appreciate yourself and your body and happy anniversary!!

on Dec 07, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have a pair of spanx and I love them! I have about worn this pair out. I wish I could have a few of them on hand to wear but they are so expensive. I need to lose major belly fat and i always resolve ok I am only going to eat healthy things and snack on fruit and veggies and then by the end of the day I blow it. I am a really bad evening eater! The later it gets the more I want something to nibble on! Does anybody have any advice for that? I use to always walk about 2 miles 3-4 times a week but I have had lot's of failed back surgeries and it is so hard to walk down the drive to get the mail. I don't know how I am ever going to lose this weight tho with out walking or something.

on Dec 12, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

you could do crunches until you drop, but only cardio will get rid of that belly fat! Could have abs of steel, but if you have a layer of fat over them, you will never see them! Get your heart rate up, stay hydrated, and cut out carbs for a bit until the big day

on Dec 13, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

PILATES! They really do work! They lengthen your whole midsection!! I NEVER had a waist before I did them and I could NOT believe what happened to my body. I started with a beginners DVD for the first month or so and then I got some DVDs that had 10 minute workouts on them. They are awesome!!! And this is coming from someone who hates to work out. I pretty much put one on my laptop while I watch the The View in the morning :) I would recommend 10 Minute Solution Pilates or anything by Ellen Barret. Give it it a try, the best part is they don't make you sweat that much and you start to feel like a ballerina!! :)

on Dec 22, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I too need to lose belly fat and I am interested in Pilates. I am sweating playing Wii right now. I hope to buy Wii Fit soon.

on Dec 23, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Wearing spanx is indeed a quick way to hide bellfat....however to definitely lose the belly, you have to extremely dedicated to these simple steps.....decrease your portion size, add bulk to your meal(like a portion of leafy greens), try having a glass of water before dinner, eliminate the midnight snacks and try simple workouts that target that specific are....Good Luck!!

on Jul 14, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

Advice for the night time eaters out there: If you don't have it in the house, you can't eat it. Have healthy, easy to munch on things available. Carrots instead of chips. Eat apples until you're full and sick of eating. Apples are wonderful for curving cravings (just don't eat a whole bushel in one sitting). Vary your fruits and vegetables, and get them fresh from a farmers market (they taste better). A large variety will keep you interested. And most importantly: Don't eat ANYTHING while you sit in front of the tv. Take time to actually sit down & thoroughly enjoy your food. It's easier to be aware of your portions and exactly what you're sticking in your mouth.

on Jul 18, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

Try replacing unhealthy fats, like the stuff that comes off of cheesburgers and fries, with healthy fats like those in avicados and extra virgin olive oil. Scientists have proven that eating natural healthy fats instead of unhealthy fats reduces the fat on your belly and keeps you from storing it there often. Try eating a lean chicken wrap with avicado slives and light ranch dressing for dinner instead of a burger. Or substituting extra virgin olive oil where you would normally use butter, like on toast or pasta. Soon, you're belly fat will decrease and the chance of it ever coming back will be lowered.

on Jan 04, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

go to luch with people who eat things that look and smell disgusting and have something that worries you to death. You will totally lose your appetite.
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