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Tarte Lights, Camera, Lashes Precision Long…

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My Comments (4)

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The @SheSpeaksUp & @TomsOfMaine #WhyISwitched Long Lasting Natural Deodorant Giveaway! #DeoSwitch

on Jun 15, 2016: I have been using Lavanila for the last four plus years. I like it a lot, and have experimented with some of the other aluminum free deodorants, but haven't liked most of them. I would love to try the reformulated Tom's! I think I tried them many years ago and disliked them, but that could have…

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5 Things NOT to Do At a Party. Plus Enter to Win an Amazon Echo (valued at $179.99)!

on Jun 15, 2016: Don't forget a snack! I have dietary restrictions, and am happy to be responsible for them. I always bring a snack, and sometimes a little something extra in case I notice someone else getting hangry due to poor planning or nerves. Just keep it smart! No chocolate or anything with a low meltin…

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Miley Cyrus Goes From Disney To Sex Symbol

on Jul 14, 2010: Miley Cyrus just brings about the point of parenting even more. If you don't want your kids seeing that, don't let them! Explain to your kids that you don't agree with the way Ms. Cyrus conducts herself, and you don't want them to do it either. Don't condone them or make them feel bad about it,…