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Dewy complexion needed.
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on Oct 29, 2009 (Read 9273 times | Comments: 16)
I have VERY dry skin. How do I get a dewy looking complexion? PLEASE HELP!!!!!

on Oct 31, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have very dry skin as well. I find Eucerin works very well for my skin. They even have one for really super dry skin called "Intensive Repair Body Creme." I hope this helps.

on Oct 31, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Try CeraVe, I find the product at Rite Aid cost about $12 for a 12oz bottle, they have the lotion, cream and cleanser, I use the lotion and cleanser on my face. I also found that the Merle Norman products work well for dry skin. Here is the CeraVe website that tells you about the product and it's delivery system to you skin. http://www.cerave.com/mve.htm

on Oct 31, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

If you have really dry skin, you might try avoiding using face wash, or use it more infrequently, and just rinse your face with warm water. You might also try using Cetaphil which is super gentle and won't dry out your skin.

on Nov 12, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

You may want to try Votre Vu's line of Normal to Dry Skin which is being featured in Elle.com this week plus lot's of celebrities have discovered it's amazing results. I am a consultant but I love my skin now and that hasn't been the case in well over 8 years. I am 42 and my skin has changed over the years to where it was blah and not vibrant. Now I am complimented every day and I love it. The price range is approx. 150.00 for a full skincare regimen including milk cleanser, toner, serum and day creme. There are pm products and incredible eye creme's to add on which give you the full skincare regimen plus they have a Frozen Serum called Les Sorbet which is the first of it's kind. If you or anyone is interested in learning more about Votre Vu's benefits - just send me an email and I will get you the websit and send you samples to try before you buy. ~ Lisa Keone-Teeter

on Nov 16, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

apply burts bees intensive night serum which is like an oil, just a few drops. and then during the day use burts bees radiance body lotion on your face. its has crushed mica in it that gives you a glowy/dewy look.

on Nov 16, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

a great non-topical way is how you apply you makeup. make sure you start with a tinted oil-free moisturizer with a spf of at least 15 / the oil free spf moisterizer then a basic foundaion. to acheve that "dewy" / "freshly blshed" look. apply your eye make up how you normally would then in the inner corner of your eyes apply a very light color reflectiv (white shimmer) powder. also for definiton put it just under the arch of your eyebrows. not only will that give your eyes a dewy look but it will instantly make you look awake. then using the same powder, after applying blush in a "c" motion on the apples of your cheek to your temple, apply the shimmer powder on the top part of your cheek bone jus under your eye socket. that will give you a well desired fresh dewy look. then you can even apply to the parts of your face that would naturally get "dewy" ike a dab in the highest point of the curve of your forehead or the chin. hope this helped!

on Nov 24, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I've used and like the effect of Cetaphil, however my main problem with it is that it's petrochemical based. And anything petrochemical is actually going to breakdown and not support the healthy growth of skin over time. I'm [nearly] 32 and have rediculously dry skin - and coming into the hayfever/summer season here in Australia it's getting really bad. The ONLY way I've found to get a dewy complexion is to have a well hydrated skin as a base, and a mildly light reflective foundation and/or base. So, I make my own moisturiser out of equal parts of filtered water, extra virgin olive oil, glycerin and rosewater. Pop it all into a small travel sized bottle. Shake vigorously and squirt a bit onto a cotton pad - dab all over face and neck, then rub in with fingertips like regular moisturiser. It's UH-MAY-ZING and you'll be surprised how NOToily your skin is.

on Jul 14, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

Make sure you ladies are using a night cream. Use a nice, rich night cream, then in the morning using a very gentle cleanser (think Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser). If you have super dry skin, make sure you use a moisturizer before your makeup, and use a primer to help prep your skin so that your foundation goes on smoothly and evenly to prevent a patchy appearance. Also, make sure you're not caking too much on, that'll really irritate your skin and dry it out.

on Jul 17, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

A good night cream is crucial. And by good I mean one that works for your skin, not one that costs a small fortune. Use a cream cleanser as opposed to gels or soaps. If you use toner make sure it's alcohol free (Neutrogena makes a nice one). Follow with a good moisturizer that contains sunscreen. I like to use tinted moisturizer instead of foundation. Since my skin is really dry in the winter, I use both a regular moisturizer, let it absorb, then follow with a tinted moisturizer. Try cream blush instead of powder, and don't use facial powder unless you need to for shiny spots (like the t-zone). If you must use powder, apply with a big fluffy brush.

on Dec 07, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Moisturizing aside, you can try Face Atelier foundation on top of whatever products you're using--has a great dewy finish, silicone base.
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