Relax & Share to Win One of 5 Cool Gadgets

   By SheSpeaksTeam  Oct 05, 2011

Who says a time out should only be for children?

Jokes aside, a few minutes a day to disconnect and clear our minds is priceless. The opportunity to take a few breaths, relax our shoulders and just sit still can be exactly what we need to recharge and finish the day with excitement and a smile on our face.

It's easier said than done, we know! Crazy schedules, friends, children, spouses, and not to mention today's technology almost always keeps you connected to something or someone. But the benefits of finding that time, even just for a few minutes, can make you feel like a whole new person, like your old self again, maybe even like superwoman.

Research has shown (and supporters can attest) that a little time and effort can go a long way. Practicing yoga, stretching, meditating and running a nice bubble bath are just a few methods of how we can disconnect, and relax. But you, our members, are really the experts. You're the multi-tasking gurus. You're the working professional, stay-at-home mom and party planner all wrapped into one and you do it day after day.

So we want to know, how do you do it  ALL and still find time to disconnect? How do you find a few minutes a day or every couple of days for "Me Time" to rejuvenate your mind and body? Do you have help, set the calendar, or stick to a routine or are you self-aware and just know when it's time to retreat on your own.  Do you find it's easy to put down your cell phone or does someone else unravel your fingers from the keyboard? 

Share your experience with us by posting how you disconnect and how you reflect, and you'll be entered to Win 1 of 5 cool relaxation gadgets.  While many relaxation methods can be done with only a few minutes of peace and quiet, we wanted to compile some cool gadgets to help inspire you to find those few minutes a day for yourself.

The contest starts Wednesday, October 5th and ends Monday, October 10th at midnight EST. There will be 5 lucky winners with one winner receiving the grand prize, the Sharper Image Foot Massager, valued at over $50.

Here are the prizes:

Sharper Image foot massager ($50 value)

Aromatherapy Vaporizer with Oil ($40 value)

Conair Foot bath with bubbles and heat ($20 value)


2 Motorized Scalp Massagers ($12 value each)


Good luck!

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StarLite33 by StarLite33 | COLONIA, NJ
Oct 05, 2011

At the end of a hectic day, I always make it a point to call my best friend either to vent or just talk about random things to get my mind off the stress. I've also recently got into hot yoga which is amazingly relaxing in a heated room. I always go home relaxed and wake up refreshed the next day!

benbri1 by benbri1 | TYLER, TX
Oct 05, 2011

For a truly relaxing experience that clears the mind and refreshes me, I go outdoors (when it is not too hot) and sit in the sunshine for 15 minutes. I sit back and close my eyes so that I feel the sun and the breeze, allowing my mind to drift away from cares to a surreal place. It is amazing how doing this actually gives you a better sense of what is going on around you because your eyes usually dominate, and you miss much when just looking around. I hear birds and grasshoppers, feel the warmth of the sun more keenly. The breeze touches my skin and I can feel it moving through my hair. I feel at once vulnerable and at peace. When I get back to work, my mind is sharper, and I feel that the day is less stressful overall. I really miss this routine on rainy days!

MuteX10 by MuteX10 | WILMINGTON, MA
Oct 05, 2011

Take my dogs to the woods for a long walk.

Nascar247 by Nascar247 | WOODLYN, PA
Oct 05, 2011

A cup of decaf vanilla and strawberry tea before bed. Reading on my library book with a relaxing song playing.

marykerbie by marykerbie | Joplin, MO
Oct 05, 2011

I get up around 5:30 every morning so I can have at least an hour to myself before my boys wake up. I have my cup of coffee and play on the computer letting my medication take effect since I have RA. By the time the boys wake up and it's ready for work I feel like I can take on the day!

lolamac by lolamac | Shelbyville, IN
Oct 05, 2011

Everyday at work, at lunch time I take about 10/15 minutes for myself...I shut my door, lock it and turn the light off. I turn my computer monitor off and I sit in my chair upright, feet flat on the floor, close my eyes and for those few minutes I focus on my breathing and the feeling of the peace and quiet that I have. Sometimes I will do some slight stretching exercises with my neck or arms, nothing jaring or that would require me to get up out of my chair. It recenters me and gives me a much needed me break in my day. When lunch is over I feel relaxed and refreshed and ready to tackle my afternoon.

mardel by mardel | SCHAUMBURG, IL
Oct 05, 2011

Being a mom of three is hard work. I'm a stay at home but but I am busy as can be. My time of relaxation is in the day. I try to find at leasy an hour just to sit in a dark room phone and tv turned off. I use my kindle to read my favorite book while I have my tea. This helps me recharge myself for the rest of the day. Thanks

rmlf01 by rmlf01 | chaplin, CT
Oct 05, 2011

I am a 'bath bomb' addict!! i LOVE to unwind with a huge bath fizzy in the tub. The water turns a beautiful color, and the scents are like aromatherapy for me. I even put a 'suction cup' overflow blocker over the drain so i can really fill up the tub so that my knees AND my boobs are covered at the same time;)

gretchen88 by gretchen88 | White House, TN
Oct 05, 2011

I relax from a stressful day, but getting in the hot both, with the lights turned low and read a romance novel. Sometimes I play nature sounds in the back ground, just to drown out any noise from the rest of the house. I look forward to this every day!!!

evawalls by evawalls | Indianapolis, IN
Oct 05, 2011

I wake up an hour before anyone else in the house. This is my time to do whatever I want. Long too hot showers, read a book, listen to music, send off a not to a friend, or all at once. It recenters me and gets me ready to do it all over for the day.

lorialcorn2006 by lorialcorn2006 | ST AUGUSTINE, FL
Oct 05, 2011

Sometimes its really hard finding time to de-stress but I try to make time each day to reflect on what happened and be aware of my feelings about it .Its important for me to have a tranquil environment to go to so I make my bedroom into as tranquil an environment as I can with candles, soothing images and pretty decorations. Having a nice soak in the bathtub with some soothing music also really helps

Yellie by Yellie | Columbia, TN
Oct 05, 2011

Music clears and rejuvenates my soul. If my mind needs a break I take a drive alone and crank up the music, this gives me focus, clarity and enjoyment. If my body needs a break I soak in a hot bath filled with epsom salt.

flea3421 by flea3421 | WAUKEE, IA
Oct 05, 2011

When I'm working full-time and going to school 3/4 time (3 night classes) I'm constantly busy and don't have much leisure time. What I like to do is on my lunch breaks at work or during a 10 min. break from school is to go sit in my truck. It's quiet, during the spring/summer it's so warm and relaxing and I can just veg. (During the winter months I do the same thing if I have enough time but I have to turn on the truck and the heater!) I can close my eyes even and set the alarm on my phone to get a few minutes rest. I can read a magazine or eat a snack. (I usually even put my phone on silent) It's me time! The quality of the "me" time is wonderful for me b/c I don't have much of it, especially without distractions and noise. It gives me some time to regroup and forget about everything else and keep going.

lkinnan23 by lkinnan23 | AKRON, OH
Oct 05, 2011

It may sound a little weird, but when I'm having a hectic time, I have some eucalyptus oil and some peppermint oil in tiny bottles and I smell them and take deep cleansing breaths. The eucalyptus reminds me of when my parents would put the menthol rub on your chest when I was sick. Try it, it really relaxes you!:)

sjbraun by sjbraun | FORT WAYNE, IN
Oct 05, 2011

I get up at 6 each morning, before the rest of the family. From 7 - 7:30, I ride the exercise bike. It has a bookstand so I can read as well. It's my "me time" and I get in some exercise as well!