Breville  Barista Express

Breville Barista Express

              Rated #105 in Kitchen Appliances
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2 Reviews 4.5/5 stars
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Can be daunting This machine can be daunting for folks that aren't ready to experiment. Be prepared to buy a digital scale (~$10) and maybe a palm tamper then set about watching/reading about dialing your espresso shots. I'm trying to use up the beans I have in stock and hit a local roaster because I've learned that's also a component in the equation.

Not For Beginners This is not a machine for beginner coffee makers, unless you?re willing to learn. This machine requires manual work; there is no smart tech to do everything for you. You have to adjust the grind and the amount yourself and a lot of it is trial and error. But, once you settle on a bean, it's smooth sailing from there. If used correctly, it's a great machine to get tasty, coffee shop quality drinks for more than half the price.