Rival RC61 Rice Cooker

Rival RC61 Rice Cooker

              Rated #104 in Kitchen Appliances
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This is a product I never really thought I'd get much use out of. We didn't each much rice--turns out that was because we weren't making it right. With this, you simply add rice and water and turn it on. It switches to warm on its own when the rice is finished, and it turns out perfect and fluffy every time. We make rice with cinnamon and sugar for a quick breakfast, replace water with broth and add a few frozen veggies for a nice side, reduce the water and add some salsa and beans fora nice compliment to tacos. It's great!

I love my rice cooker, i'm not good with cooking rice on my own but this cooks perfectly every time. I also use to steam veggies

So in love with this little machine. It also has a vegetable steaming option which is really nice but if you are not careful you can turn the vegetables to mush.

Trusted brand Rival is a great brand. This is a perfect rice cooker for a family. The size is just right.

Works great I love this rice cooker. Rival is a good quality brand. I am impressed with how well it works. My rice is always perfect and its so easy. Put in ingredients and press a button. When its done, the rice is perfectly cooked. I usually add a touch of butter into the cooking rice and it helps prevent any sticking at the bottom. Such a simple appliance yet it gets used regularly in our house and works well!

This rice cooker is so easy to use. You just put the rice in, add water, and push the button. As soon as you hear the click that will become familiar if you cook rice as often as we now do, you scoop the rice out with the white scoop that's provided in the box, and you're done. The rice turns out just right. Just make sure you take the rice out as soon as it's done. I would not use the warming feature, as the rice does end up getting stuck to the bottom of the cooker if you leave it in. Other than that, the rice cooker is perfect.

This is a great rice cooker for a family of four. Sometimes it is harder to measure the rice to water ratio when there are no instructions on the bag of rice, but otherwise the rice comes out perfectly!

I have this rice cooker and I like it. I had the smaller version and now I have the bigger one and they are simple to use and cook rice quite well.

This is a great rice cooker and comes in handy being i eat rice just about everyday. Always a little amount that styas stuck on the bottom but that is with every rice pot

It's good but not perfect. Purchased this a few years ago for my son to use at college. We loved the idea that he could cook rice and steam some meat at the same time. He didn't use it, so I took it to use at an apartment. It does a nice job with rice, but you really need a little oil in it to keep from a major clean-up hassle. Don't try to steam vegetables with the rice--they will get soggy. Also, the holes in the steamer are somewhat large, so you need bigger chunks--no beans. But I could steam cook chicken in it while making rice. I also perfected steaming eggs in their shells. The downside is that the coating isn't very strong, so it really isn't non-stick--use some oil and clean it immediately. Water will also spurt out of it, so place it on a thin towel so you don't get starchy water on your counter. It is still worth it to have a small item that you can start up with the rice and do something else for a length of time, and trust that you will have fluffy rice whenever you return your attention to it.