George Foreman   George Foreman 360 Grill

George Foreman George Foreman 360 Grill

              Rated #74 in Kitchen Appliances
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11 Reviews 4.5/5 stars
90% Recommended
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Well, in 2011 I might have and probably did say this grill is the best and agree with all of the statements above or below. However, it is now three years later and a slight problem has emerged. Last night once side of the hinge on this unit broke. Guess what? It's out of warranty. Guess what else? The company does not provide this part nor are there any after market parts available. If the part were available, one would not have to be a rocket scientist to replace it. One screwdriver, on torx driver and it comes apart. Customer service for this company was very snobbish. They told me that even if it were in warranty I would still need to have registered it and kept the original sales receipt for this item. What do you do if the item was a gift and the person did not include the original sales receipt with it? HOGWASH! So I guess they expect one to go out and purchase another flimsily made product by them. Sorry, there are no too many other grills out there now. Next time I will thoroughly inspect and test construction of the unit. For the meantime, I will just do a repair job with the piece that is left. The grill itself works fine, but those of you who own one know how wobbly the top lid is. And by the way, do not purchase one of their Russell Hobbs toasters. Big POS. But that is for another rant.

I was hesitant trying this since we owned so may of his grills. The original had some issued with it. We made quesadillas and pizzas in it too! Unfortunately over time the top plate seems to just fall off when opening and closing. Overall a decent product.

Best indoor grill Use our Foreman grill in the winter months for steaks/chops. They turn out perfect every time. I love how easy to clean it is also. When you can't grill outside, get a George Foreman! You won't be disappointed!

The best is the George Foreman 360 grill. It's versatile, easy to clean and the plates are interchangeable, I even have plates for waffles!!! It's a healthy way to cook any meat. The clean up is not bad (ensure you purchase their scrubber). Basically, after cooking, place a wet paper towel in between the plates and unplug. While you're eating, the wet paper towel helps loosen the grime with the steam. After you've eaten, just open the grill and wipe clean with a little soapy (just a little soap) watered towel that you've squeezed the access water out, go over a few times. For those stubborn stains, use the Foreman scrubber made for this grill. We NEVER put the grill up. It stays on the kitchen counter, we cook many items in there, from bacon to chicken, veggies,etc. It's faster than the conventional method and less mess to clean up. Although. I have to admit, I don't do steaks in it, because I love my steaks VERY juicy (sorry I have to splurge sometimes). My husband now cooks on it as well as my kids. Husband cooks the bacon and chicken and son cooks his salmon on there.

I love George Foreman grills! They are sooooooo easy to grill meat in healthily. Cooking meat used to be such a daunting task because I never knew how long to cook it for and I didn't want to give myself food poisoning, but this takes the guesswork out of it. I just wait for the red light to go off and cut into the meat to make sure it is thoroughly cooked and no longer pink inside. I've also been guilty of using this nifty little gadget as a panini press. It's super easy to make grilled cheese in this thing. I have yet to try grilling vegetables or fruit, like peaches, on it, so that's up next. I also read a blog post recently where someone made cookies in their waffle iron, so I'm going to try that in my George Foreman Grill by propping it up so that it no longer slants. It's so easy to use and clean and takes up less energy than the oven!! I love stuff that saves me time and money!

I love this grill. It cooks fast, evenly and healthier. The first time I used it I was hesitant to let it replace my normal broiling and baking, but after trying it I may never turn my oven on again. Clean up is so much easier than cleaning a pan from the oven. I just let mine cool then wipe it clean with a mild, soapy paper towel, then wipe it a few times with a wet paper towel, dry it & put it away. Even my husband is willing to cook more because of how simple this has made cooking. A dish that would normally take 20-25 min. in the oven only takes about 6-8 with the grill. It is definetly a must have for any kitchen.

I love my George Foreman grill! I frequently forget to get meat out of the freezer to thaw, but that doesn't matter when my buddy George helps me cook. I just place my boneless chicken breasts, pork chops, hamburger patties, or steaks on the grill, close the lid, and check on them every few minutes. They cook evenly and stay juicy without burning, and they are finished at the same time as my rice or potatoes. And most of the fat drains away conveniently into a separate dish for disposal so the meat doesn't stew in it. Clean up is a breeze -- all I have to do is close a few wet paper towels in the grill after I take the meat out and turn it off. Once the grill is cool (after dinner), It wipes clean with a damp, soapy paper towel. What could be easier! I use my grill at least twice per week and it's become my favorite kitchen tool!

I have one and use it quite often! Works great and easy to clean!

My husband and I use our grill at least once a week. I have put chicken, fish, burgers, steak and grilled sandwiches on our grill. Easy to use and easy to clean!

Outdoor Grill Flavor Indoors I love my George Foreman grill. I can get the flavor of grilled food indoors (I live in the city and don't have access to a backyard). It's easy to use, and easy to clean. I'm so glad I purchased this!

Very Good we love this grill It is a life saver to get good grill flavor when your cookout get rained out or it is too hot to grill