How to Crush Your Reading Goals in 2024

   By SheSpeaksTeam  Jan 25, 2024

Did you set a reading goal this year? Whether you’re a seasoned bookworm or you’re trying to reconnect with reading, having a reading goal is a great way to make it a part of your everyday life.

Keep reading to learn our tips for setting and achieving your reading goal this year + enter to WIN a $50 Amazon Gift Card so you can stock your bookshelf with your favorite titles. 

Set a realistic reading goal

Begin your reading journey by setting a realistic goal. Try to be specific; for example, you might want to read 24 books this year or set aside reading time every day. Think of how you can make reading a habit—and if you need help creating habits, check out Atomic Habits by James Clear! This popular book is a must-read for anyone who wants to make new habits stick.

Create a TBR List

Never wonder what to read next by curating a TBR (To Be Read) list. Keep your reading life thriving by always having a list of books waiting for you. Be sure to add some upcoming releases to your TBR as well; the anticipation will make them even more exciting to read.

Track your reading

Tracking your reading is key to keeping an eye on your habits and your progress toward your goal. Goodreads is a classic reading website and app, but new apps like Storygraph are becoming popular. More of a pen-and-paper person? A page in a notebook also does the trick.

Get a library card

Don’t forget about your local library! If you don’t already have a library card, it might be worth stopping by your library to get one. Visiting the library allows you to explore reading without the financial investment. Additionally, many libraries now give patrons access to ebooks and audiobooks that you can check out from the comfort of your own home.

Explore different book formats

Diversify your reading experience by exploring different reading formats, switching between the tangible enjoyment of physical books and the convenience of ebooks and audiobooks. This is a great way to infuse reading into your daily life—think listening to an audiobook at the gym and enjoying a physical book at home before bed.

Find a community

Join book communities online, like #booktok, where readers come together to share recommendations, post reviews, and discuss stories. Or, take your community offline by joining or starting a book club! Connecting with fellow book lovers can enrich your reading experience and introduce you to hidden literary gems.

Explore new genres

Challenge yourself to explore new genres and expand your reading horizons—dive into poetry, thrillers, historical fiction, memoirs, and more. Some readers enjoy juggling multiple books simultaneously, such as reading a fiction novel and a nonfiction book, to keep things interesting.

Enjoy it

As you work towards your reading goal, remember that reading shouldn’t be stressful—the point is to enjoy it! If you’re having trouble keeping up with your goal, don't be afraid to adjust it. You can change your goal at any point to better align with your life.

Did you set a reading goal this year? Any books you're especially excited to read? Let us know in the comments!

Be sure to ENTER  to WIN  a $50 Amazon Gift Card to purchase your favorite titles. 

2024 Reading Goal Giveaway

Thanks to all who entered! Congrats to our winner SheSpeaks member ddheim.

Make a Comment

ecollins86 by ecollins86 | Laveen, AZ
Jan 26, 2024

No reading goal, no plans to read any specific books

vspeaks by vspeaks | Raleigh, NC
Jan 26, 2024

Yes, belong to a neighborhood book club. Looking forward to read thrillers, biographies, and inspirational books.

lynda1067 by lynda1067 | COVINA, CA
Jan 26, 2024

i set a goal of 25 books per year every year ;)

schnoodledo by schnoodledo | Ann Arbor, MI
Jan 26, 2024

I don't set goals but my niece lent me some books that has jump started me back into reading

wikkdxxx by wikkdxxx | CLARKSBURG, WV
Jan 26, 2024

I've not been a reader for years but now that I had to retire due to health issues, I do have time to read again. I'm planning on setting an achievable goal. I'll set the goal to be only one book a month for now, in hopes that I will exceed that goal at least by double that amount. I'm not sure what genre I'll begin with, but I'll be shopping for books within the week.

gigi62 by gigi62 | TAMARAC, FL
Jan 26, 2024

I set my goal to read 40 books this year. I am excited to read the new Kristen Hannah book.

darce52 by darce52 | LK IN THE HLS, IL
Jan 26, 2024

For the past few years, I've set goals. This year I aim to read 60 books. I'm looking forward to the new Kristin Hannah and Christina Lauren ones.

AthenaAries by AthenaAries | STOCKTON, CA
Jan 26, 2024

I don't set a goal. I just finished the Silo series and have started Half Bad.

MissSmig by MissSmig | Pleasanton, CA
Jan 26, 2024

I always read James Patterson books

museofmyself by museofmyself | Tacoma, WA
Jan 26, 2024

I have not set a reading goal yet this year, but I have a list of ebooks that I can check out through my local library . My "word" this year is "Commit," so that's exactly what I need to do! This is a wonderful topic; thank you for the giveaway! 😊

blsjax by blsjax | JACKSONVILLE, FL
Jan 26, 2024

I download and read a lot of ebooks from the public library

lisahillberg by lisahillberg | SAN ANTONIO, TX
Jan 26, 2024

I would love to definitely finish reading my vampire books by Anne Rice.

rachel23 by rachel23 | WYNNEWOOD, PA
Jan 26, 2024

Set a goal of 10 books this year with the intention to select some longer books.

Phall24 by Phall24 | Bel Air, MD
Jan 26, 2024

I have not set a reading goal, but I do hope to read more this year.

katers2714 by katers2714 | Chicago, IL
Jan 26, 2024

I selected 3 books I hope to read this year.