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My Comments (3)

Commented on:

Palin Accepts Letterman's Latest Apology

on Jun 23, 2009: I agree that David Letterman should not have made that joke and that it was in bad taste. But at the same time, it would have blown over if Palin woud have kept quiet about it and not blown it all out of proportion. People would have forgotten it sooner if she had not made a big deal about it and…

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Is Breast Always Best?

on May 08, 2009: I believe that this issue is personal and no one else's business but the mother's on whether she breast feeds or bottle feeds. I bottle fed my boys because I worked and it was just more convenient. They are now healthy 21 and 24 years old.

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Oprah's Chicken Giveaway : Philanthropy or Hypocrisy?

on May 08, 2009: I can see both sides. The way that Tyson treats the chickens is not right and they should come up with a better and more ethically way of doing it. But at the same time, this promotion did help people, just not sure it helped the ones that it was aimed at. Like in another comment, if you are poor …