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My Reviews (1)

Dr. Seuss Oh, The Places You'll Go!

Dr. Seuss O… Rating

Your rating: 5.0

My Comments (3)

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Why More Professional Women Are Leaving Their Handbags At Home

on Jul 22, 2019: I think that the backpack trend is great! It's much more comfortable carrying your bag and belongings on your back than holding a purse on your shoulders or arm bend. I've found that a backpack is so convenient because you can toss whatever you need in there and still have your hands free in order…

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Modern Etiquette: What Rules Still Exist? Tell us your thoughts to win a $75 Amazon gift card

on Jul 22, 2019: I agree with all of these! But while I do agree with the thank you note etiquette, I do believe that if you get a gift then sometimes a thank you given in person is sometimes better and a lot more personal.

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Product Reviews: Check out what SheSpeaks members had to say. Plus, enter to win a Visa gift card!

on Jul 22, 2019: Honestly, there isn't one new purchase I make without checking the reviews first. I like to always read the pros and cons to everything so I have an idea what to expect. If it has low reviews then I usually look for something else.