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My Reviews (1)

Snickers Peanut Butter Squared

Snickers Pe… Rating

Your rating: 4.0

My Comments (4)

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Garlic: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

on Oct 26, 2010: I adore garlic and roast it to use in several recipes throughout the week. Yummy!

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The Organic Option: Is It Worth The Cost?

on Sep 01, 2010: Yes, organic food is often more expensive, but is truly a better option. I believe that the hormones and antibiotics they use in animals to help them develop more quickly and grow larger are horrible! They put us all in more risk to develop cancer and other diseases. I only buy organic mi…

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Tights: Not Your Mother's Pantyhose

on Dec 14, 2009: I want to buy some sweater tights. I have the basic brown and black tights that I've worn before, but I'd also like to try some brighter colors.