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My Comments (4)

Commented on:

Moving In Together, Is It A Good Move?

on Aug 25, 2008: My husband and I lived together before we got married. It was a very good thing in my opinion. We got to know each other on a more personal level and see how each other actually live. We've been married now for 4 years and things are still going strong.

Commented on:

Walking To School Is In

on Aug 12, 2008: Walking or biking to school is what all kids should do, if they are able. When I was growing up we walked to school everyday. Offering incentives to the kids though I'm torn about. In a way it's good if it's encouraging kids to walk. But on the other hand kids should do it without having to be…

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Helping Kids At The Core

on Jul 29, 2008: Definitely. My child is only 13 months old now. Excercise is very important. When she is old enough I want her to be exposed to all kinds of excercise.