Commented on:
Earn Gamer-Favorite Rewards with POINTS REWARDS PLUS!
on Apr 22, 2024:
DONE (and thanks for the heads up on this! I remember doing a promo on the site late last year and then it seemed like it died off. Glad to know it's still around!)
Commented on:
Holiday Hosting 101: Tips for Stress-Free Gatherings
on Dec 28, 2023:
Under promise, over deliver. Don't stress yourself out, even as the host, because you're supposed to enjoy the party too.
Commented on:
#SheCelebrates Holiday Blowout, Day #1! Win a Nespresso Coffee Maker/Espresso Machine & Ember Mug
on Dec 18, 2023:
love something that's not too... coffee-y, lol. I mean, I love coffee, but well flavored and sweet.. and usually iced.