Have you already decided on who you will get your vote in next week's Presidential election?

The election for US President is right around the corner.  Some women have been very vocal regarding their decisions for whom they will vote, others are still undecided.

We are curious, have you made your decision yet?  Has one of the candidates won your vote already?

Yes (90.4%)

No (9.6%)

Have you already decided on who you will get your vote in next week's Presidential election?
  • callie143 By callie143
    on Oct 31, 2008  

    I cannot vote for Obama, one member said our children are now being killed in a war that McCain supports. Obama supports laws and practices that kill our unborn children, the future of our country, in no way, shape or form can I support that man. I want an end to this war as much as anyone, but it needs to be ended right. Pulling our troops out without any sort of resolution will not solve anything and will result in something worse further down the road. McCain has the experiance and knowlege to end this right and lead us forward.

  • Nicola_Brenson By Nicola_Brenson
    on Oct 31, 2008  

    You all must be honestly crazy to believe McCain and that dimwit Palin are best for the country. Was Abraham experiencesd? Everyone has seen what 8 years of Republican bull has done to the economy. Come on now!! You have to have a trust in God. The election will utimately go whichever direction God leads it, but I pray hard that it will go towards Obama. I believe that since he's lived the life of a normal American, with nothing "handed to him on a silver platter," he better understands life. Honestly, if your not making over 200,00/yr I don't understand why you wouldn't vote Obama. Heck even the superstars are supporting Obama, and they make millions and understand the struggle.

  • findgazebo By findgazebo
    on Oct 31, 2008  

    Sounds like too many people DO NOT do research, listen to more than ONE news media and/or check the facts about who they're voting for. Palin/McCain = more wars, draft to support them, changing Supreme Court to take away free choices that ALL U.S. Citizens should have, etc. WORSE if no-nothing, I'm always Right Palin should take over! ETC. Obama/Biden = REAL concern & ACTION for the poor & middle class, Supreme Court makeup to ALLOW rightful choices, INTELLIGENT man with pragmatic thought & proper temperment to deal with ALL our problems etc. GO OBAMA!

  • findgazebo By findgazebo
    on Oct 31, 2008  

    Experience does not equate to GOOD experience! McCain's experience as a POW, military service, or being in the Senate, are not evidence of presidential potential! Actually, many of his Senate votes are evidence that HE HAS MADE SOME VERY FLAWED, even mean, decisions! Basically anti-women (not equal pay for equal work, has voted anti all, or at least most, women's issue bills etc.! Basically he & Palin are both anti-woman. Don't say no! YES, even she is! I'm tired of the crap about all of us pro-abortion people! I'm not pro-abortion! I'm pro CHOICE. And, it's not my business, nor the GOV'T's to tell a woman she HAS to have a child. I don't hear any of the "Liberals" or Dems demanding that a pro-life person HAS TO HAVE AN ABORTION! I could go on and on - but I need a stress pill already! VOTE ON NOV. 4TH!

  • dmomoftwo By dmomoftwo
    on Oct 31, 2008  

    Obama is the change we need.....look at the last 8 years.....do we really want a repeat of that with McCain? I sure don't!

  • Kristinm0821 By Kristinm0821
    on Oct 31, 2008  

    Something about Obama gives me and eerie feeling. I just don't trust him for some reason that is in my gut. I voted for McCain today.

  • meowmix By meowmix
    on Oct 31, 2008  

    I think McCain has proved himself as a POW and his many years in Congress. i have NOTHING to base anything on with Obama except his great ability to speak--reminds me a lot of Bill Clinton in that respect. Great speaker, but nothign else. If he wins, Biden will be running the country.

  • Jenski0917 By Jenski0917
    on Oct 31, 2008  

    McCain and Palin all the way!!

  • pennsgal By pennsgal
    on Oct 31, 2008  

    NEVER OBAMA - zero experiance to lead our country. .

  • Krystyna By Krystyna
    on Oct 31, 2008  

    Obama has it! He will definately be a great president. MCCAIN is way too old, and if he were to pass away would anyone really want Palin to be president? Come on she is a joke.