Are you taking any precautions because of the Swine Flu outbreak?

Here in the US the news is dominated by the Swine Flu outbreak.  Are you concernced about the outbreak?

If so, what are you doing differently?  Please tell us what you think!

Yes- I'm taking this very seriously (37.5%)

No- I think there is too much concern over this (45.5%)

No- I'd like to but, I'm not sure what to do (17.1%)

Are you taking any precautions because of the Swine Flu outbreak?
  • twicebad18 By twicebad18
    on May 01, 2009  

    i am taking this serious because I have two children under two. They already have weaker immune systems then adults and if this is a new flu the medical community does not know all that much about it. My family is way more imposrtant to me then traveling or a vacation. We will be staying home and doing local things. Its good for the economy here and better for my stress level LOL.

  • abertrand By abertrand
    on May 01, 2009  

    I think it's all a media hype. If they don't have a flood, earthquake, tsunami, or hurricane to report on, they will take something and cause mass hysteria!! Many biologists at my job are saying that if you are a healthy individual and if you catch it, it's no different than any other kind of flu- your body is capable of fighting it. I wish the media would shut up and find something else to report on!!!!!

  • LighthouseLady By LighthouseLady
    on May 01, 2009  

    If you are going to disinfect your countertops, doorknobs, light switches, etc. then try what I have done for years. Fill a clean and empty spray bottle with rubbing alcohol and spray the surfaces with that. If the area is soiled, the grime still needs to be wiped up first though. When I am at home I also spray my hands instead of using the hand sanitizers (save those for on the go), it is cheap, effective, and healthier than bleach or lysol.

  • Pattimaude By Pattimaude
    on May 01, 2009  

    I work in healthcare and the media hype has the emergency rooms full. There is realatively little we can or do use to treat other then fluids, bedrest, tylenol or ibuprofen for fever, but everyone is exposing everyone else in the waiting rooms. If you are old, young, or If you have a pre-existing condition (respiratory problems, cardiac problems, depressed immune system) then yes we treat with a tamiflu. I begin to think this has the "Chicken Little signs" "the sky is falling run for your lives."

  • jonaroo By jonaroo
    on May 01, 2009  

    I'm trying to avoid crowds, wash my hands frequently and getting plenty of rest. Hoping to avoid this flu. My immune system is not the best and my mother lives with us and is not terribly healthy.

  • highfiveroden By highfiveroden
    on May 01, 2009  

    Washing hands and no drink sharing!!!!

  • misskay By misskay
    on May 01, 2009  

    hand washing amust

  • lovesherdog By lovesherdog
    on May 01, 2009  

    I wash my hands whenever I return home.

    on May 01, 2009  

    Im stocking up on hand sanitizerfor the girls to use at school!!

  • oregonmushrooms By oregonmushrooms
    on May 01, 2009  

    I decided if it hits our area, the kids will NOT go to school. I can't believe that they are letting ppl come back from Mexico right now. I told the kids to not touch anyone :)