If you have children and they have an allowance, how much do you give them per month?

Teaching kids the value of money and how to manage it is one of the most important life skills that they’ll need. If you give your children an allowance, how much do you give per month? Do you and your family put other restrictions or rules around that money and how it is used?

Less than $25 (39.5%)

$25-$50 (15.5%)

$50-$100 (4.5%)

$100-$150 (0.9%)

More than $150 (0.7%)

I don't give my kids allowance (39.1%)

If you have children and they have an allowance, how much do you give them per month?
  • monolja By monolja
    on Oct 04, 2010  

    My children get allowance based on the grade they are in: in 5th grade, they get $5 a week, in 7th, $7 a week, etc., etc. They are responsible for saving some of the money in their bank accounts and use it for special purchases, like gifts for other family members, etc. They also have specific responsibilities at home, such as setting the table and cleaning up after dinner.

  • lupton3226 By lupton3226
    on Oct 04, 2010  

    I don't give my children allowance but their grandmother gives them weekly "pocket money" that they use for extra things they want to do or things they want to buy. I don't ever make them spend the money on necessities.

  • girl17 By girl17
    on Oct 04, 2010  

    I don't give my girls an allowance yet but do buy them the things they need. I make sure that they pick up their toys first though!

  • cheesepuffmom By cheesepuffmom
    on Oct 04, 2010  

    i agree with a lot if the parents here. i don't pay my children to do "normal' stuff like putting away clothes or doing dishes, but when they do something extra i pay them well or buy them something they want. or at least they THINK they are getting paid. really, it's stuff i would have bought them anyway, and they feel like they earned something, and i can use it to barter or trade my way out of having so much to do. LOL

  • jemminpa By jemminpa
    on Oct 04, 2010  

    I agree with momxs6. It takes a family to get the 'job' done. I tell my daughters (ages 19,14 and 9), if they would prefer to get a job over say, doing the dishes, I will do the dishes for them. They would be expected to pay 'rent' with their earned income to support the household. The rewards they get are mostly praises and gratitude. They will know what it feels like to be appreciated and loved more this way because with gifts or money or shopping trips, they will only expect this more and turn out a little spoiled. We will throw in a special night out doing something fun (amusement park, mini golf, movies) or a trip to a restaurant of thier choice. We don't ask much of our children, after all they are children, but they know everyone in the house has to help.

  • Josie101 By Josie101
    on Oct 04, 2010  

    I give my Daughter a weekly allowance but she has to earn it by completeing her assigned weekly chores.

  • 4barnes By 4barnes
    on Oct 04, 2010  

    I do not pay my kids to live in my house. Everyone is expected to do some chores for just being a member of the family. Both kids have to learn some life skills, like doing dishes and laundry. The kids can earn some money by doing a chore that is above and beyond their normal duties.

  • crisss By crisss
    on Oct 05, 2010  

    My daughter is 8, if she keeps her room clean & helps set the table & clean up she gets an allowance. Most of the time her room is a mess & she doesn't help with the table setting etc....so when that happens she doesn't get her allowance. She knows that if she does all that every day, which isn't much, she gets her allowance.

  • crystalkitten By crystalkitten
    on Oct 05, 2010  

    I don't call it an allowance, I call it budget money. It is money that I would be spending on them anyway out of my budget. I slowly give them a piece of my budget to be responsible with. By the time they go to college they should be responsible for themselves. I may be the one giving them some money but they are responsible for their own care like clothing, activities, personal care, etc. At that point I am providing room and board (food) only. I will only provide room and board as long as they do their ?job" of school. If they decide to not go to school it all stops and they can be responsible for themselves and pay for room and board or move out. Also, I only give them enough money to cover what is reasonable for those expenses. If they want more, which they do, they will have to get a job. They want cell phones, cars, video games, go to concerts and college and they have to work and save. I don't budget to pay for those things and budget money does not cover those things.

  • jameslicex0 By jameslicex0
    on Oct 05, 2010  

    My sons gets an allowance weekly based on his age, hes three so he only ends up with $12 a month. But he is already grasping the concept of "his" money and what he REALLY wants to spend it on.