Have you watched a full episode of a TV show online on any of the following in the past week? (Check all that apply)

In the old days, we had to wait around for our favorite show to come on TV.  Then we laboriously programmed our VCRs to make sure we didn’t miss our favorite programs.  We also ran out to the local video stores to pick up movies and shows we wanted to see.  More recently, DVRs/TiVos give us more control over watching what we want when we want, and NetFlix sends videos to our homes without having to run out to the video store. 

And now, with Hulu, network websites and YouTube, it seems we have endless choices and can watch almost anything we want when we want it.  What sources do you go to online to watch TV programs?  What do you like about them, and what would you like to see improved?

Yes, on Hulu or a similar online video service (25.3%)

Yes, on a network website (i.e., NBC, ABC) (33.3%)

Yes, on a cable website (i.e., Comedy Central, TLC) (11.5%)

Yes, on YouTube (10.2%)

No, I have not watched a full TV episode online in the past week (47.5%)

Have you watched a <U>full episode of a TV show online</u> on any of the following <u>in the past week</u>?  (Check all that apply)
  • dparker54 By dparker54
    on Nov 17, 2009  

    If I miss my show the America's top model, I will go on youtube or Hulu to see what I missed. I remember taping the soap opera so I can watch them when I can come home. The new technology today changes every day.

  • tammiekrug By tammiekrug
    on Nov 17, 2009  

    most of us busy moms just don't have time to sit down and watch any program clear through. We would like to though.

  • melaniecaples By melaniecaples
    on Nov 17, 2009  

    I haven't watched a full episode lately, but I have watched part of one recently, because my Tivo didn't record the ending of a program, so I went online to watch it.

  • Jen7145 By Jen7145
    on Nov 17, 2009  

    I love, love, love Hulu. I have three kids which coinsides with short term memory loss, so I forget to DVR my shows. I jump on Hulu during nap time and catch up. I love the fact there are only 15-20 second commercials.

  • lilmochi By lilmochi
    on Nov 17, 2009  

    it's great when there are tv shows during the same time and i hate flipping channels back and forth. they should put all tv shows online.

  • meltom1 By meltom1
    on Nov 17, 2009  

    I hate to say it but I will watch my one soap online and then I will also watch glee and cougartown online since they come on with conflicting schedules at home. Easier also to watch shows online that online you really like.