How has your emotional state changed over the past few months, given the economic issues facing our country?

There is new information being revealed about the economy every day.  We have weeks that seem to indicate that the recession is worsening and others where there is much hope that we have seen the bottom.

We were curious to see how you were feeling given the economic environment?

More Hopeful (8.0%)

More Stressed (38.4%)

More Uncertain (29.5%)

More Excited (1.6%)

More Frustrated (9.8%)

More Grateful (12.7%)

How has your emotional state changed over the past few months, given the economic issues facing our country?
  • bubbles733 By bubbles733
    on Apr 24, 2009  

    my son was injured and is out of work. he is undergoing very expensive treatment that im paying for. im supporting 2 people and cars, insurance on a one person part time job. as long as my son gets better it will be worth it.

  • macsma By macsma
    on Apr 25, 2009  

    My husband along with all of his other electrical co workers were laid off 2 1/2 months ago. He applies to jobs everyday online and in person, still not even one call back. I am even trying to find just part time to add to the unemployment he receives. nothing for me either, we have a 1 yr old and its very depressing. thank goodness we put our tax returns in savings because he was laid off just a week later. good luck to everyone searching for work and wish my family luck. BLAH

    on Apr 25, 2009  

    I need a new job!!!!!!!!!!!! UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Phoenixsierra By Phoenixsierra
    on Apr 25, 2009  

    I'm a worrier by nature and given the state of the economy I stay in a constant state of low key panic. My niece, almost like a daughter to me, husband is losing his job in July and they have a baby on the way. I have a brother who has been unemployed for 6 months, a friend from work laid off in November, my other brother and husband's hours have been cut. Thankfully we are financially stable with no debt other than mortgage and stuff but still I sometimes wake up in a state of panic. We have a EF because I was planning a quitting my job last December, I hate it after 10 years due to the company being sold , but those plans were put on hold. I'm just too scared to quit.