If you have children and they have an allowance, how much do you give them per month?

Teaching kids the value of money and how to manage it is one of the most important life skills that they’ll need. If you give your children an allowance, how much do you give per month? Do you and your family put other restrictions or rules around that money and how it is used?

Less than $25 (39.5%)

$25-$50 (15.5%)

$50-$100 (4.5%)

$100-$150 (0.9%)

More than $150 (0.7%)

I don't give my kids allowance (39.1%)

If you have children and they have an allowance, how much do you give them per month?
  • vigorpete By vigorpete
    on Oct 04, 2010  

    We call this a commission at our house. If you do your work, you get paid your commission. Your allowances are that you are allowed to live in our house, eat our food, get your clothes washed, etc. We want our children to learn that they have to work for what they want in life.

  • nakia1975 By nakia1975
    on Oct 04, 2010  

    I give my children an allowance, every time I get paid on my job, my children get paid. The allowance is to teach them responsibility. They do their chores and other misc. things around the house, yes, they are supposed to, but the allowance is to teach tem at an early age how to handle money and be responsible for it. They know they get a set amount, and if they spend all of it, there's no more money until "payday" rolls around again. This system has taught them that money does not grow on trees and you have to be very careful how you spend it. In other words, I'm preparing them for the real world at an early age...

  • janaleslie1 By janaleslie1
    on Oct 04, 2010  

    I reward my child for doing the weekly chores assigned, keeping her grades at an average we agree on and anything extra she does. I have older children and i didn't do such a good job making them earn money and learning financial responsibility. My daughter has the ability to earn money and spend or save. If she doesn't follow throught then she doesn't earn money and won't be given any for things not needed.

  • d1_dawn By d1_dawn
    on Oct 04, 2010  

    I feel that there are some things you do becuase you live here and we must all work together toher thigns you do because you get paid.Cleaning your room you must do however orgainizing a messy cupboard or something like that is extra and I will pay them for that.

  • momoftwoinwa By momoftwoinwa
    on Oct 04, 2010  

    My kids are pretty young for an allowance. Right now we let them use money from their piggy banks to buy the occasional treat. We also work with them to understand responsibility that is age appropriate - picking up toys, helping to make lunches, carrying their plates to the sink, etc.

  • customcrystalcreations By customcrystalcreations
    on Oct 04, 2010  

    My kids get $1 per year. When my kids want something and they can put it into perspective of how many weeks allowance it is ~ they learn quick! When it is Mom's money it is no big deal ~ but when it is 2 weeks allowance, that is different! They also learn to save up for bigger items they want.

  • mommy3sons By mommy3sons
    on Oct 04, 2010  

    My boys get an allowance when they actually do their chores. Some things they do though I try to teach them that they need to do it without getting money in return. If they see something that they want in the store I tell them they have to earn the money to buy it, so they do lots of work then.

  • elenacala By elenacala
    on Oct 04, 2010  

    I think an allowance is a good thing no matter the age, of course the amount given depends on the age of the chid, like a dollar for someone under the age of 5 a week or something like that. I also think that allowances should be earned, so the chid learns that everything we want comes with a price and if they really want something ( monetary or not) it requires hard work. But I mostly want my children to physically have money so They may learn about budgeting, saving, paying tithing you know 10 percent to god, 10 percent to self, and weighing the importance of things they want versus how much they have, in other words is it worth it ot have that candy bar now or save up for that CD, ETC. I think allowance can be an invaluable tool to teach children financial responsibility at a young age, so they will have a strong foundation for thier future, you know make saving and spending wisely a habit now, and it will be one when they are older.

  • bikergirl76 By bikergirl76
    on Oct 04, 2010  

    $20 per month based on the chores.

    on Oct 04, 2010  

    I don't give my kids allowance either. HOWEVER.....I do buy what they need and sometimes I will do special things for them if they follow through on a certain chore or pass a test. We tell our kids that being part of a family is a privelege that a lot of kids do not have. And show them that good deeds, in turn bring rewards. I do like the idea of giving my Now 13 yr. old daughter a certain amount every week so that she has money for her odds and ends, but lately I have seen no end in sight of the constant barage of requests. "Teenagers! " haha. Good call Meltom1....I like that she will see exactly how far a $1 will go. Good lesson