Have you already decided on who you will get your vote in next week's Presidential election?

The election for US President is right around the corner.  Some women have been very vocal regarding their decisions for whom they will vote, others are still undecided.

We are curious, have you made your decision yet?  Has one of the candidates won your vote already?

Yes (90.4%)

No (9.6%)

Have you already decided on who you will get your vote in next week's Presidential election?
  • lavagirl05 By lavagirl05
    on Oct 30, 2008  

    I really don't care about either one of them. But we don't need another four years of the same mess. So I'm going to vote for OBAMA.

  • Brandywww By Brandywww
    on Oct 30, 2008  

    I've voted Democrat all my life, but I've cross over this year and have voted already for McCain / Palin. People wake up! Do you really want someone that has NO EXPERIENCE running this country? NO! I feel Obama is the puppet and someone else is behind him pulling the strings! And to the person listed here in this blog named "kmorgan" Obama has NOT been "straight forward" and "clean", NO, far from it. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! Yes, Bush was bad, but God help us if Obama get's into office. It wasn't all Bush's fault, the congress was mostly Democrat and is also at fault!! Listen people, do you really want an ALL DEMOCRAT Senate, Congress, and President? NO Checks and Balance! That is what our country is built on, wake up people!

  • LadySpeaks66 By LadySpeaks66
    on Oct 30, 2008  

    I've decided on Obama. I feel McCain just can't relate to the average person. He seems out of touch. I don't trust him not to help the rich remain rich. Besides, he looks like he may not make it through the presidency...then what? Palin as prez...oh, Father in Heaven, help us! Palin has put a negative stain on McCain's chances. She seems more out of touch than him. Neither McCain nor Palin is to be trused. But, we must keep in mind, NO politician is perfect. If elected, Obama is sure to f*ck up, too, at some point, which people will throw in his face. We have to stop putting all our trust in politicians, and take responsibility for our own lives. If I'm trusting the government to be my 'save all', boy will I be disappointed!

  • iluvmarques By iluvmarques
    on Oct 30, 2008  


  • mesha25 By mesha25
    on Oct 30, 2008  

    I really hope everyone makes it out to the polls on Tuesday and vote, no matter who you vote for. I am very excited to get out there and cast my vote for Obama.

  • pricousins By pricousins
    on Oct 30, 2008  

    I'm voting for Obama because it's high time that people who make more money put more into the tax system. I have been on welfare in the past and worked my butt off to make over $40K a year, to only see my insurance go up and child support go up while I can't get child support and that's okay, the system doesn't work... So anyone who thinks that it does you're wrong! I'm still struggling and now my retirement money is being lost. It's high time to get a Democrat back in office.

  • oodles4u By oodles4u
    on Oct 30, 2008  

    I can see the racial code words(no experience,welfare, hard work, not strong enough, lazy, scares me,Muslim,someone like me) are alive and working as usual. Why don't you subtle racists come out and say what you really mean. The fact that you would want to continue with a party that has ruined our economy, killed our children with a war that was based on lies, exported our jobs, imported cheap labor, ruined our standing in the world), all because you can not bring your self to vote for a man whose skin color happens to be different than yours is completely baffling. If McCain and Palin are elected you will deserve what you get, nothing but more of the same, lies, secrecy, war mongering and more inefficiency by two unqualified individuals ruining the greatest country in the world.

  • IrishLife2 By IrishLife2
    on Oct 30, 2008  

    McCain/Palin all the way to the White House!!

  • Chelo757 By Chelo757
    on Oct 30, 2008  


  • RachieIvy By RachieIvy
    on Oct 30, 2008  

    Just because someone ISN'T a democrat right now (Obama) doesn't mean they are best for this country. I see my income going downhill with him, even though I am working harder than ever. How can that possibly be good?