If you are planning to curb your spending, where will you be spending less money?

The current economic situation in the US is causing many people to tighten their spending. 

If you plan to pull back on your spending, where will you be spending less and why?


Grocery Store (11.3%)

Department Store (39.5%)

Mass Merchandiser (Wal*Mart, Kmart, Target) (22.7%)

Club Store (Costco, Sam?s, etc.) (4.0%)

Discount Store (TJ Maxx, Filene?s, etc.) (4.0%)

Drug Store (1.8%)

Big Box Retailer (Home Depot, Staples, Toys R Us, etc.) (16.7%)

If you are planning to curb your spending, where will you be spending less money?
  • sassysunny By sassysunny
    on Oct 21, 2008  

    I do not buy at the high priced stores to begin with. I try to cut back on everything and do all of my shopping at one place, this saves me time, money and gas. So WalMart would be the place for me to shop. They do have clearance items and I do save ahh you know the cutouts in the newspaper or the ones I get from mags, or the ones sent to me, so this helps out a lot.

  • Loepsie By Loepsie
    on Oct 21, 2008  

    Being a single mom of 3 teenagers, I have to cut back on everything. Groceries is my biggest expense. I have to cut back in all ways. Including not getting the fresh or frozen foods that are better for us. Eating healthy is expensive and I just got 2 Dietician's to admit it is so! Finally people are starting to understand that low income is hard. I am not middle class, I am low income and if it's hurting the middle class, think what it's doing to those on a lower income! No, we don't all get food stamps, welfare and hand outs, nor do we want them. We are trying to live with needs, we have no idea what a want is because we are just trying to make it. The funny thing is this is a constant struggle. The low income 'class' has never felt the crunch all of a sudden because we live it daily!

  • Loepsie By Loepsie
    on Oct 21, 2008  

    Oh, by the way, try doing all this with no job, no health insurance, no child support and suddenly becoming disabled and can't work but Social Security says you are able to find 'something' somewhere....so go make a miracle while you are trying to keep from living in the streets! Winter is coming, it's too cold to sleep in the car that you can't afford gas for anyway! "Family" can't help you because they're broke too! So who wants another 4 years of this same old junk under the same old system? NOT ME!!!!

  • Loepsie By Loepsie
    on Oct 21, 2008  

    P.S. I hate Walmart also and I know it's not really cheap when you look at the facts, but it's cheapest on some things. Walmart tricks so many people into thinking they are the cheapest of them all and they really are not. ON A POSITIVE ENDING NOTE!!! Try Freecycle in your area. Totally FREE items given away, offered and taken. It keeps junk out of landfills and helps us to live more 'green'. If we would live this way year round, every year, forever, then our country would not be as 'greedy' as it has been. Try swap meets where things are freely swap. If you don't have one, set one up at a nearby park or something. There are solutions for everything but it helps if you have money overall. Money might not be able to make you happy they say, but it sure helps you pay the bills and I'll be smiling afterwards!!! lol

  • NCMomof5 By NCMomof5
    on Oct 21, 2008  

    In these Economic times, it's hard to have any extra money. Between gas and bills, I am lucky if there is any left over money. We are sticking to a budget and are cutting out the extras.

  • trehy2002 By trehy2002
    on Oct 21, 2008  

    It is hard to cut spending when we barely spend as it is. If i were to cut back it would be at the place i do most shopping over all.

  • Smallmedium By Smallmedium
    on Oct 21, 2008  

    We are going to make more items from scratch to same grocery dollars.

  • daniellejodi By daniellejodi
    on Oct 21, 2008  

    Until we have nationalized health care I am saying all of the above!

  • MsAmiLynne By MsAmiLynne
    on Oct 21, 2008  

    We like to shop at bj's instead of the super market for things like Veggies and side items with dinner and baby stuff so that we are stocked up for a month or 2 and can save that way every month.

  • patricia19799791 By patricia19799791
    on Oct 21, 2008  

    Agree with you kelly 100 i'm a single parent too, wish i had money to spend!!!!!!