Do you think President Obama is doing a good job so far?

President Obama has been in office less than two months.  There has been much focus on his plans and approach.  Do you think

President Obama is doing a good job so far?  Do you think he's chosen the right team to help?  Please share your thoughts!



Yes (41.6%)

No (23.1%)

I'm not sure yet (35.3%)

Do you think President Obama is doing a good job so far?
  • bones2 By bones2
    on Mar 11, 2009  

    I agree with crys!

  • GingerAlexandria By GingerAlexandria
    on Mar 11, 2009  

    In order for things to change, there has to be a drastic difference in the way things were done in the past. You can't expect to lose weight by staying in bed all day. Nor can you expect to get pregnant and have kids if you stay at home by yourself.

  • karenelaine75 By karenelaine75
    on Mar 11, 2009  

    I think he is doing horrid. No one in the US voted on these bailouts and I do not agree with some of them. I could not afford a house therefore I did not buy them ARM or not. Now my tax dollars are being spent to protect other peoples houses. I would rather my tax $ be spent on health insurance like he said we might get. I have none and cannot afford it. People who got ARM's should have known what they were getting into. Afterall they were called ADJUSTABLE rate mortgages. Why are they complaining when they adjusted. They knew the risks yet chose to go into this blindly. I do not buy new cars. My newest car is a 1996, since i cannot afford a newer one. Yet lets bailout companies that make tons of money a year by giving them more to mismanage? These things make no sense to me. I think they would do better by making every US citizen take a budgeting class and a class on how to cut coupons.

  • Dixiegirlmay1978 By Dixiegirlmay1978
    on Mar 11, 2009  

    I think the President has done a good job so far. You must remember it has taken 8+ years for this country to get into the mess its currently in. Nothing will be fixed over night. So far, the President has done things to stated he would during his campaign i.e. he will bring the troops home and he is looking at ways to reform healthcare. As far as the bail-outs that some are complaining about...lets think about this, doing nothing is not an options or the economy would be is MUCH WORSE shape than it already is. With the current conditions there is NO ONE that could make everything better in only 30 days time. This is a long term process and we must all work together to get through these tough times.

  • meowmix By meowmix
    on Mar 11, 2009  

    THere is no way a conservative born again Christian who believes the bible would think this man who condones baby killing, and stem cell research, immorality, and devaluing the human life can think is his good. Not an issue of black or white, but moral or immoral. I belive this and don't care how good he is, if he is responsible for abortions he is no good. BABIES, the unborn have rights. If moms do not want babies, do not get pregnant. There is a better way than abortion. Abortion is death to an infant, a possible future president or someones sister or brother, not a thing. He does not care about life. He seems more like a celebrety to me and sine Hollywood is so immoral, that is why they all love him.

  • MsGibbs By MsGibbs
    on Mar 11, 2009  

    I do agree with others that it may be too soon to tell if certain aspects of his job are being DONE. I replied yes, he is doing a good job so far because his attitude is incredible. He is also DOING what he has promised thus far.

  • hypersweeper By hypersweeper
    on Mar 11, 2009  

    oh! yeah like the 2 billion he spent on his welcome to the presidency ball!! Yeah that's real great for the economy. Wake UP!

  • hypersweeper By hypersweeper
    on Mar 11, 2009  

    his attitude could be like the devil coming as an angel of light. I agree with meowmix those the fetus with little arms, legs, toes, and eyes are human beings that he has given scientists a right to murder.

  • hypersweeper By hypersweeper
    on Mar 11, 2009  

    Turn to Jesus Christ for guidance and deliverance not the president.!! That's my stance.

  • denger1966 By denger1966
    on Mar 11, 2009  

    Remember it took 8 years to get us into this mess... what do you expect? Do you just want him to snap his fingers and *Poof* every things is better.... He is doing everything he promised and for those of you who don't think so well we know you made that vote 8 years ago and 4 years ago that got us into this mess... Wake up people .... Give the man a chance.... Get educated... He didnt make this mess but he is coming in taking ownership and cleaning it up.... and this mess needs more then just one bull dozer to clear a path.. The spending plan is the only way to get our economy back on the right track...