Do you color or highlight your hair?

Spring is well underway and it seems like so many of us like to "brighten" our look after the long and dark winter! So, we were curious, just how many of us actually highlight our hair?

Whether you do it to cover grey, brighten up your own color or to completely change color, we were curious, do you color or highlight your hair? Why?

Yes- I usually do it myself with home hair color products (50.5%)

Yes- I usually go to a salon for a stylist to do (28.5%)

No- I do not color or highlight my hair (11.6%)

Not yet, but I'm thinking about it (9.3%)

Do you color or highlight your hair?
  • MartiPauli By MartiPauli
    on May 11, 2008  

    Its taken me a few bad atempts and having to go to salon afterwards to get it corrected I now am confident and as professional as anyone else because of my mistakes, I now am successful at doing my own highlights and my 2 daughters as well. Cannot tell the difference between salon and being done by me.

  • bonniewaetzman By bonniewaetzman
    on May 11, 2008  

    I actually enjoy highlighting my own hair. I spend less time, money and have more control over the amount of highlighting in my hair. I must be doing a good job because I often get compliments .

  • chellebyerly By chellebyerly
    on May 12, 2008  

    I guess I am one of the lucky few (BLECH) I have natural highlights. I have a short bob with a wedge cut and the hair that is on top is all differnt colors of blonde. But the bottom and under on back is darker. THe lady who cuts my hair actually commented on how much SHE spends to make hers look like mine naturally! Of course I have been accused of dying it since I was a little girl. Cause it gets much lighter in the summer. But once people see my kids they belive its natural. They are all VERY blonde and by summers end will be white headed!

  • lilsperk By lilsperk
    on May 12, 2008  

    I died my hair at home one time, and rather than it coming out brown it came out black. I tried to die it lighter which only made it darker. I eventually went to my stylist and had the color stripped out of my hair. From that day on, per his advice, I ONLY use semi-permanent.

  • cld315 By cld315
    on May 12, 2008  

    I always dye my own hair, it is not as expensive as having it done at a salon. I have very thick, long hair so it really costs me when I have it professionally done.

  • silverluvr By silverluvr
    on May 12, 2008  

    I color my hair at home, I find that it saves money and time, and I do a good job!

  • kimmietime By kimmietime
    on May 12, 2008  

    I just started coloring my own hair. I was so nervous at first. My friend did it the first time and I did it the second time. I would not go to a salon because of the expense and since it is so easy it is no big deal to do it at home!

  • gmonroe123 By gmonroe123
    on May 12, 2008  


  • little_princess_amy By little_princess_amy
    on May 12, 2008  

    I like to color my hair myself. I can do it just as good but a lot cheaper!

  • dayshimmer By dayshimmer
    on May 12, 2008  

    I've done both depending on the situation. Most of the time I do it myself. Occasional I need a change want to be papered or something new, like high lites, thats when I head to the salon.