Which of these Mother's Day gifts would make you happiest this year?

Mother's Day is almost here.   Did you know that Mother's Day was conceived after the Civil War and initially intended as a call to unite women against war?   Mother's Day in the US has transformed into a day to give thanks to our mothers.  

Which of the following gifts would you want to receive most this Mother's Day?

A day spent with your family/children (41.5%)

A day at the spa (40.5%)

Flowers (4.9%)

Chocolate (2.9%)

Jewelry (10.2%)

Which of these Mother's Day gifts would make you happiest this year?
  • MonikaP By MonikaP
    on Apr 27, 2008  

    Do not get me wrong. I love my family. But I am with them every day 24/7. So a little break from the bunch of wild monkeys at a spa would be the perfect. I am sure 20 years from now I will be wishing for a day with my family but right now my wish would be for a day away from them. So I can be a better mom after I get back.

  • abbygail By abbygail
    on Apr 27, 2008  

    I see my family every day and enjoy them very much. But this one special day of the year I love to receive flowers. Every time I look at them they remind me that I am also special to my family.

  • MarQuette By MarQuette
    on Apr 27, 2008  

    I already have the only jewlery I need or want...on my Left ring finger & I'm not much for chocolate (more fruity things). I love flowers but they always seem to die so fast. * That leaves me with Spa & Family. I'ld like both! Why have to choose...there is always time for both. My first thought when thinking about Mothers Day is My Mother at the moment she is in a Healthcare Center so I First want to visit her & spend time enjoying her company and just talking. I'ld like to have a spa day (the day before would be nice) and then enjoy Sunday with my mom and family. I have two small ones and I too am with them everyday...all day...and I agree with those who know that some time away from your children is actually very healthy for you. I would never be anything but grateful for the blessed spirits that the Lord has bestowed upon me...making me a mother, but to be at my best to give my children a health relationship with me..I need time here and there with just me or a night out with just my hubby (it feels great to walk quielty somewhere holding my husbands hand and enjoy his company which I don't get very much of these days). It makes me a better person which in turn helps me be a better mother.

  • donilynne By donilynne
    on Apr 28, 2008  

    I would love to be pampered first at a spa and when I am all relaxed and beautified. I'd love to spend the day with family. Hey, its my day, I can do both right....

  • GinaBinaFaye By GinaBinaFaye
    on Apr 28, 2008  

    Flowers! My husband and I are expecting our first baby any day now and with all the gifts from eveyone all I want from my husband would be flowers.

  • browneyedbay By browneyedbay
    on Apr 28, 2008  

    My Mom & 3 grown children live many miles away from me,and it sure would make my "Mothers Day" special if we could all be together, but thats not possible so the next best thing is the telephone and sending a handmade gift to my Mom.!

  • lynda62 By lynda62
    on Apr 28, 2008  

    Would love to spend the day with my kids and husband, rarely are we all together, this would be great !

  • cindy_wang By cindy_wang
    on Apr 28, 2008  

    i will take the spa, as a mother i want to relax and enjoy the life

  • jca_82 By jca_82
    on Apr 28, 2008  

    a few hours at the spa would be great.. then back to being mommy.

  • shelbycaswell By shelbycaswell
    on Apr 28, 2008  

    a few hours with my family, enjoying the time together, would be great.