Do you think universal health care will improve the quality of health care in the US?

Universal health care is the subject of furious debate in the Federal Governement, the media, and across the country.  Supporters of universal health care believe that it will improve the the livelihoods of individuals and control costs, while detractors believe that it will limit choice and be a financial burden. 

Do you believe that it will improve your own health and that of your family?  Please tell us what you think.  We want to know!

Yes (38.9%)

No (38.0%)

Not Sure (23.1%)

Do you think universal health care will improve the quality of health care in the US?
  • veronica09 By veronica09
    on Aug 15, 2009  

    5. There should be restrictions placed on the amount of money that health care providers, mainly hospitals, are allowed to charge. 6. All hospitals should be nonprofits. 7. Most health insurance companies invest our money and that is how they earn profits; therefore, all services, treatments, proceedures, every single expense that an insured could possibly incur from a health care provider should be covered as long as the individual has paid their premiums. 8. If a person has paid their premiums on time and the insurance company has realized a certain amount of return on the insured's investment, the insured should be entitled to a refund of their premiums plus interest. Contd...

  • veronica09 By veronica09
    on Aug 15, 2009  

    Insurance companies make money off of the premiums that we pay so we should get a return on our investment too if we have not used a significant amount of money from the insurance company. Customers pay for the "promise" that in case something happens, the company has to pay. Insurance companies refuse to pay all the time, sometimes for no reason at all and it is a violation of our trust. These companies should be required to give an accounting of how much money they have earned from investing the premiums of each individual so that we can be partners in the funding of our health care.

  • veronica09 By veronica09
    on Aug 15, 2009  

    It is up to us to make sure that these companies hold up their end of the bargain.

  • msharl01 By msharl01
    on Aug 15, 2009  

    It will cover millons of children who do not have access to heath insurace but also many more mothers that I talk to who can get there children covered but there husbands make to much money (yah right) for them to get the care they really need,

  • lisalucky13 By lisalucky13
    on Aug 15, 2009  

    I believe that all people have a right to healhcare, especially children.

  • simplyme173 By simplyme173
    on Aug 16, 2009  

    i have a neighbor who i like but she is illeagle and she doent want to get married because then she would have to pay for her health care. i love her, but sometimes it drives me crazy that on days she has nothing to do she goes to the doctor, she says its airconditioned and they always give her free things to take home its a good way to spend a day when she has nothing to do. ive told her that people like me have to pay for that and she tells me its nothing illeagle, i mention that she is and she she laughs and says not really or some one would do something about it! its madening! i dont want to see her go, but i think she should becoume leagle and pull her own weight! i have to ! and we all should if we can! This health care has its problems but gov. interferrance will only add to it!

  • mommyofaddyandlaney By mommyofaddyandlaney
    on Aug 16, 2009  

    I think this new health insurance is sucky. It is like living in a comunist country. Why let the goverment decide if you are worthy enough to get to see the doctor. I want to choose who and when I am seen at the doctor. not the goverment this is not russia.

  • Betzee By Betzee
    on Aug 16, 2009  

    The bottom line is that most Americans today do not trust the government. Congress and Senate have been spending and spending. These are the same people that said that if the stimulus was not passed unemployment will not go above 8%. When unemployment went into double digits the talking heads said oh we did not plan on that. Where are all the jobs that were to be created? Why doesn't this president tackle that instead of the current spending spree. Taking baby steps slowly to reform health care would not be a bad idea, besides the current plan is not scheduled to go into effect for a few more years. Why the bid rush to shove it through? Is it because there will be more job losses and the current administration is not going to talk about that?

  • jswank By jswank
    on Aug 16, 2009  

    We simply are jumping too quickly into something too complex. I think we start small and work our way up to providing healthcare for all legal citizens of the US

  • jodyj349 By jodyj349
    on Aug 16, 2009  

    I am anxious to see the final bill that the house and senate are supposed to work on when they return from summer recess. People are saying a lot of mistruths - wait until we know for sure what the REAL bill will contain.