Are you taking any precautions because of the Swine Flu outbreak?

Here in the US the news is dominated by the Swine Flu outbreak.  Are you concernced about the outbreak?

If so, what are you doing differently?  Please tell us what you think!

Yes- I'm taking this very seriously (37.5%)

No- I think there is too much concern over this (45.5%)

No- I'd like to but, I'm not sure what to do (17.1%)

Are you taking any precautions because of the Swine Flu outbreak?
  • dozette By dozette
    on May 06, 2009  

    If I had small children I might be more cautious, but as a society we are to obsessed with germ killing. How do you build immunity if you kill off all the little stuff and follow your children with a germ killing cloth all the time. Yes, wash, wash, wash. I refuse to make skin contact with a public toilet handle IF I have to resort to using them but aside from just avoiding things because of others bad habits I'm not overboard. Hand sanitizer in my kitchen is pretty much it. When a super-bug does come along, a lot of people will be in for a rude awakening because their immunity system just won't take the strain.

  • CurvyMeli By CurvyMeli
    on May 06, 2009  

    About 35,000 people die every year from the flu, the COMMON flu. I am not concerned about this strain at all.

  • HollyLou By HollyLou
    on May 06, 2009  

    Keep your hands clean! Don't eat, touch your eyes or face without washing your hands first. It's all common sense stuff that we all know but sometimes forget.