Are you taking any precautions because of the Swine Flu outbreak?

Here in the US the news is dominated by the Swine Flu outbreak.  Are you concernced about the outbreak?

If so, what are you doing differently?  Please tell us what you think!

Yes- I'm taking this very seriously (37.5%)

No- I think there is too much concern over this (45.5%)

No- I'd like to but, I'm not sure what to do (17.1%)

Are you taking any precautions because of the Swine Flu outbreak?
  • teddybear18202 By teddybear18202
    on May 05, 2009  

    I am taking this matter very seriously, it hit to close to home with proven cases, and there still popping up, I am doing what I can to prevent it from attacking me or my family, cleaning,cleaning,cleaning, and washing hands all the time and using a hand sanitizer all the time. it's better to be safe than sorry.

  • jonibean By jonibean
    on May 05, 2009  

    Anytime lives are affected I feel it's a concern. However, like so many members noted, if you wash your hands, and follow the same precautions you would normally during a cold and flu season, there really isn't much else you can do. Can't stop living - just live safely.

  • Adcpp011 By Adcpp011
    on May 05, 2009  

    I work at a college and we always take contagious diseases seriously. I don't think this particular illness is life-threatening. But, who has time to be ill right now? It's better to take extra cleaning precautions and not get ill at all.

  • penney00 By penney00
    on May 05, 2009  

    It is just a new version of the flu. People should practice healthy habits all the time, not just when something becomes sensationalized by the media.

  • gbkran By gbkran
    on May 05, 2009  

    The media is always looking to make up a crisis and scare people. Remember the avian flu and others? Every time you turn on the tv they have a death count ready.

  • yayagirl By yayagirl
    on May 05, 2009  

    I am taking this VERY seriously. I work in a restaurant so am always washing my hands and following safe food practices, but I now find myself not touching handrails,doorknobs etc. I am also much more aware of what other people around me do and Not do.

  • pierceu By pierceu
    on May 05, 2009  

    I washed my hands like crazy and still caught a darn cold!

  • jparrish By jparrish
    on May 05, 2009  

    I think we should all take preventative measures and practice good hygene - wash hands often - stay away from others who are sick - stay away from others if you are sick but DON'T PANIC - if vaccines become available, I do not see the harm in in getting it as a precaution. Our local news says this virus may be around a while and may see more cases in the fall as people "gather" together more.

  • momoffive By momoffive
    on May 05, 2009  

    I think the word 'havoc' says it all. Once anything is said to have killed anyone then others really get afraid. I think more or less it is a mere policy of informing citizens about this and keeping us up to date. If in the event it is in our own area then we should take more precaution. You just never know and if others blow it out of portion then you find your in a epidemic of not just a viral flu but crazed people scared to death of catching it. We can't always prevent something that goes viral but if we stay smart and cautious then were more ahead of it than worrying.

  • margelipschitz By margelipschitz
    on May 05, 2009  

    My sister is completely terrified by this. She is a germophobe and needs help. Personally, it's just another flu bug to me and if I avoid people who hack up lungs in public and if I wash my hands with soap and hot water, I'll be okay.