Have you already decided on who you will get your vote in next week's Presidential election?

The election for US President is right around the corner.  Some women have been very vocal regarding their decisions for whom they will vote, others are still undecided.

We are curious, have you made your decision yet?  Has one of the candidates won your vote already?

Yes (90.4%)

No (9.6%)

Have you already decided on who you will get your vote in next week's Presidential election?
  • findgazebo By findgazebo
    on Nov 01, 2008  

    I keep coming back to read these comments. I'm still shocked at the uninformed comments that are being made! McCain's record? Anti women's rights, extremely poor voting record for veterans, against torture but voted FOR it etc. McCain's record proves nothing positive! Palin? She said No to bridge to no where - check the platform she ran on to become govenor, she talks of others being anti-American - check out her & her husband's involvement in the Alaskan Independence Party, no abortion even in cases of incest or rape, etc.

  • luvnlivin By luvnlivin
    on Nov 01, 2008  

    Obama all the way. He definitely has a vision and we need change. I believe in hard work but I don't think the rich should be gettig richer while the poor keep getting poorer. I think everyone deserves to have more and better opportunities. The economy has gotten so bad that it is hard for people to stay on their feet and even harder to get back on them once they are laid off of their job due to a struggling economy. I think that the wealth should be spread. If you work hard and you are fortunate enough to be rich, then I don't see the harm in paving the way for others to have the same opportunities. It is time for change, and I believe that Obama will take us there.

  • sassyone71 By sassyone71
    on Nov 01, 2008  

    My vote is for McCain and Palin. I diagree with alot Obama has to stand for and the main reason is he is for abortion and abortion later in term like 3 months along. If you dont know how that is preformed you should really look it up it is horrible ! I also think he does not have enough experience in politics. When he speaks it seems he is just reading note cards that someone else has wrote for him. He also says something and then when the people throw and up roar about his quote he says sorry which he seems to be doing alot of. Say what you mean and mean what you say if you are going to say it !!! I could go on but I would be here all day. I just ask that people look past the color of the person running and into what they are running for before they cast their vote.

  • Beaniesmom By Beaniesmom
    on Nov 01, 2008  

    I have to say that the two candidates have certainly fired up some enthusiasm for voting this year!! The outcome of this election has everyone on the edge of their seats! EVERYONE is voting!!! This is so fun!!! And no matter who wins, I'm hoping we all conduct ourselves with dignity and show the world that we are STILL the greatest nation on earth!!!

  • oceanstar2 By oceanstar2
    on Nov 01, 2008  

    Voting for Obama, the only ray of hope we have! There is no other choice.

  • orapol By orapol
    on Nov 01, 2008  

    Come on McCain/Palin!!! Obama is just too scary.

  • windwhisper By windwhisper
    on Nov 01, 2008  

    I think the only way to go is Obama, he will point this country in the right direction and will be much better for foreign policy.

  • Vistabrat By Vistabrat
    on Nov 01, 2008  

    McCain/Palin all the way!!!

  • jnmmom By jnmmom
    on Nov 01, 2008  

    Obama for me. Palin scares me if something happens to McCain! I am a Republican too!

  • wondrw0mn By wondrw0mn
    on Nov 01, 2008  

    Obama is the only candidate that has actually put forth any action plans for making change, McCain/Palin have no plan, they seem only to be pandering to the ignorant and fearful. That says a lot about how they will handle any issues that arise...