How has your emotional state changed over the past few months, given the economic issues facing our country?

There is new information being revealed about the economy every day.  We have weeks that seem to indicate that the recession is worsening and others where there is much hope that we have seen the bottom.

We were curious to see how you were feeling given the economic environment?

More Hopeful (8.0%)

More Stressed (38.4%)

More Uncertain (29.5%)

More Excited (1.6%)

More Frustrated (9.8%)

More Grateful (12.7%)

How has your emotional state changed over the past few months, given the economic issues facing our country?
  • lindabtx By lindabtx
    on Apr 20, 2009  

    Prior to losing 1/3 (almost 500k!) of our 104K late last year we were expecting my husband to retire in a few years. We were hoping for him to have the comfortable retirement he deserves after a lifetime of hard work. Now we don't know when that will happen and know our lifestyle with change.

  • Stewart54 By Stewart54
    on Apr 20, 2009  

    I feel that anyone that has lost money form trusting banks or your 104K should get the money back with interest. Banks use our money to trade with other high rollers. They got greedy, making all of us pay the price. Where is the justice in that? Why should we pay for there bad judgement and greed? They walk away with a little slap on the risk, only to get another opportunity to sock it to us again.

  • am_i_lost By am_i_lost
    on Apr 20, 2009  

    I don't beleive the worst is over yet. I think that it is just beginning. All these high rolls on Wall Street and in Banking and Government have went behind our backs and used our hard earned money in unspeakable ways and it is just now catching up with them. And our new President; while running for office; claimed he could turn this country around and fix it. There's so much wrong it will take a life time to fix it. It can get better just don't know when.

  • Imtootles By Imtootles
    on Apr 20, 2009  

    I feel that the thoughts and cut backs will not be for the wealthy and people who already have. I feel that the thoughts are starting to lean toward helping people who deserve it and people who need it. I only wish that the people who are in the top positions stop being selfish and thinking they need several homes and so many luxury cars for them and their kids, stop taking money for themselves, ruinning the 401k as they profit, and banks and businesses who ask for bail outs and then abuse it, get punished.

  • fm65cherryred By fm65cherryred
    on Apr 20, 2009  

    You know its hard when you cant get a job, and if you cant get a job how are you going to pay for rent/bills. Right now times are hard, and I fear my daughter will have to go through a harder stuggle than me and my husband just to get by, and that makes me sad.

  • agaphmou By agaphmou
    on Apr 20, 2009  

    I lost a large portion of my 401k,I'm hoping I will get it back when the economy comes back.Thank God I am not near retirement.Everyone seems to get bailed out except for the middle class,and who is stuck with the bailout bill? Not big business,not the multi-millionares,it's the middle class that get stuck with all the taxes!If this keeps up there will only be two classes,the rich and the poor!

  • agaphmou By agaphmou
    on Apr 20, 2009  

    Mayor bloomberg of NY says that he does not want to raise taxes of the rich.why? because he is one of the rich!Last year he made about 64 million dollars.Keep voting for him NY! Even after he himself changed the law to do away with term limits,so that he can run for mayor indefinately! He thinks he can do whatever he wants because he is rich,while he says coldly to the people" well,NY'ERS are just going to have to put their hands deeper in their pockets.wake up NY!!!!!!!!

  • armywife56 By armywife56
    on Apr 20, 2009  

    At least Mayor Bloomberg only takes a $1.00 per year salary from the state of NY. that's better than most other states

  • momof5inohio By momof5inohio
    on Apr 21, 2009  

    I see the cup half full. So I am grateful. My family is in good health, we have a house over our head, and food in out stomach. That is wonderful. Life is never going be perfect you make the best of it and smile with it. Love the life you have because you never know when its your last day. ;)

  • greenceg7 By greenceg7
    on Apr 21, 2009  

    Major Bloomberg projects fiscal confidence and knowledge and his social issues are close to those of mainstream America which is more than most Mayors have going for them! As a self-made wealthy man who didn't inherit a family trust-fund, he is correct not to leavy the proposed tax increases only on NY wealthy realizing they would just leave the state as Rush Limbaugh has threatened to do! Approx. 8 million people live in NYC yet 50,000 pay so much in tax that they essentially support the city -- and if they start to leave, there's a big problem!