Between 50% and 90% of people who work at a computer screen have some symptoms of 'computer vision syndrome': dry eyes, blurred/double vision, headaches, etc. Are you one of them?

How does computer or screen usage impact you physically?

Yes, and it's a real problem (26.4%)

I have a few symptoms (36.9%)

No, the computer/screens don't bother me (31.6%)

I don't regularly work on a computer/screen (5.3%)

Between 50% and 90% of people who work at a computer screen have some symptoms of 'computer vision syndrome': dry eyes, blurred/double vision, headaches, etc. Are you one of them?
  • SaucheyR By SaucheyR
    on Feb 29, 2020  

    All of the above plus "mouse elbow" and "mouse shoulder"!

  • Kmaaschmidt By Kmaaschmidt
    on Mar 01, 2020  

    My eyes get extremely dry. Eyes drops help only a little.