Lawns without weeds can be beautiful but often require chemicals to prevent weeds from taking over. Where do you fit in the lawn/chemical debate?

How do you take care of your lawn and your garden?

I love a pure green lawn, even if it requires chemicals (0.0%)

I'm ok with some chemicals, but not a lot (47.1%)

I won't use chemicals, even if it means there's weeds on the lawn (35.3%)

I've figured out how to keep out the weeds without chemicals (5.8%)

I don't have a lawn (11.8%)

Lawns without weeds can be beautiful but often require chemicals to prevent weeds from taking over. Where do you fit in the lawn/chemical debate?
  • SophiaG By SophiaG
    on Sep 07, 2018  

    Love a beautiful green lawn. Also adore the smell after mowing

  • amaebird12 By amaebird12
    on Sep 08, 2018  

    I try to pull weeds and pull weeds and pull weeds and even if I spray a little it's a never-ending quest. Often just mowing the weeds looks just fine. 😁