Are you having your kids vaccinated for the H1N1 (swine flu) virus?

Access to the H1N1 vaccine has slowly become available across the country, but some parents are still having trouble getting their children vaccinated. 

Have you had your kids vaccinated?  If so, where did you get them vaccinated?  Did they get a shot or the inhaled mist?  If you are choosing to not have your children vaccinated, why not?

I already had my kid(s) vaccinated (21.6%)

I want to get my kid(s) vaccinated but can't get access to the vaccine (10.7%)

I've been able to get some of my kids vaccinated, but not all of them (3.5%)

I'm unsure about whether to get my kids vaccinated (25.3%)

I'm definitely not having my kids vaccinated (38.7%)

Are you having your kids vaccinated for the H1N1 (swine flu) virus?
  • jemappel By jemappel
    on Dec 01, 2009  

    I was able to get my 18mo vaccianted, but not the 3 year old. We had it done at the doctor's office. We only were able to get the vaccine for 18mo girl because we had her at the doctor for a sick visit and she got a secret "slot" - the doctor hardly had any vaccine so she didn't want all the parents to know. The doc's office has a website where you're supposed to look every day to see if they have any vaccine available, but they never say that they do - b/c they have so few doses when they get any that they don't want to cause a stampede. Then my 18mo is supposed to get the booster and she has an appt but the doctor said they may not have any in stock in time for her appt. The whole system is really ridiculous. I think that businesses and stores should NOT be able to order the vaccine - it should only go through doctor's offices and hospitals. It's absurd that people at Goldman Sachs got vaccines, but my doctor's office doesn't have any.

  • kccmayfield By kccmayfield
    on Dec 01, 2009  

    my son is allergic to eggs, which is the base of the vaccine so i cannot have him vaccinated for h1n1 or influenza.

  • Bethlyn184 By Bethlyn184
    on Dec 01, 2009  

    We had my 5 1/2 year old vaccinated but was unable to get my 11 month old son done. Within in 4 days of my daughter having the nasal spray my son was sick with H1N1 (confirmed by test in hospital). I asked the pediatric doctor and they stated that this can rarely happen but it is possible. My son has had H1N1 and I am still going to have him vaccinated because the antibodies he built up may not be enough. I am just advising other parents to watch for the "ripple" effect with having 1 child done. As soon as it is availible in my state - I will have the vaccine also.

  • lovelifelisa By lovelifelisa
    on Dec 01, 2009  

    I heard that there are chemicals in the vaccine that can be dangerous and do more harm than if you were to get the h1n1 virus.

  • jenndta69 By jenndta69
    on Dec 01, 2009  

    I want to get my daughter the vaccine, but it's impossible to get it here where I live in California. It's always too far away.

  • Mochakyss By Mochakyss
    on Dec 01, 2009  

    I'm not sure if I want my son vaccinated or not for the H1N1. I'm on the fence regarding the vaccine's safety and side effects.

  • golden1z By golden1z
    on Dec 01, 2009  

    Both of my toddlers are allergic to eggs so they cannot get the vaccine. Even if they could, I am very skeptical of it.

  • farmerbrown2002 By farmerbrown2002
    on Dec 01, 2009  

    Thinking about it,really not sure how safe it is.

  • mantrita By mantrita
    on Dec 01, 2009  

    its made the same exact way as the flu vaccine so if you give your kids the flu vaccine the h1n1 vaccine is a no brainer.

  • briag79 By briag79
    on Dec 01, 2009  

    I've had the shot and my 3 1/2 yr old son got the nasal mist. We both did fine and have had no adverse reactions. He was able to get his first about a month ago and I got mine 2 weeks ago. It's made the same way and by the same company as the regular flu shot, so don't be scared.